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Board Game Accessories - Prototype Model Trains - Custom Cutting and Engraving

Prototype Model Trains


Train Electronics

Free-mo Fitter Rail Tool

Free-mo Track Height Tool

Free-mo Module End Plate Rail Protectors

Leg Pockets

Optical Detector Mount

Rail Joint Bars

Rolling Stock Weight Ruler

Switch Machine Mount

Throttle Holders

Throttle Jack Faceplate

Throttle Jack Router Template

Tie Strips

Train Car Box

Track Laying Guides

Track Spacing Tool

Tray, Stacking Organizer

Zephyr Mounting Shelf

Custom Cutting

Price List

Information, Tips, Tricks and FAQ

About Prawn Designs

UP5 Custom Replacement Faceplates

Have you ever wanted a custom Faceplate for your UP5 Throttle Jack. A blank one or one with the name of the location (Module) on it. Your wait is over, Prawn Designs name makes replacement Faceplates for UP5 Throttle Jacks.

You can click on any image to see a larger version of it in a new windows.

Simple Blank Faceplates that can be painted the same color as your fascia.
Replacement UP 5 Throttle Jack Face Plate

Or Faceplates with the name of the location (module) or the name of your railroad or group.
Replacement UP 5 Throttle Jack Face Plate Replacement UP 5 Throttle Jack Face Plate Replacement UP 5 Throttle Jack Face Plate

Faceplates can be cut from 1/16" Baltic Birch Plywood, 1/8" Baltic Birch Plywood or 1/8" Acrylic.

UP7 Custom Replacement Faceplates

The UP5 Faceplate has been replaced with a UP7 Faceplate. The new UP7 mounts different from the UP5 and requires a different faceplate. We offer all the same options with the UP7; Baltic Birch Plywood, Acrylic, Custom Engraving.

Size, the new UP7 is just a small amount larger than the UP5.
Size UP5 vs UP7

The UP7 Face Place comes in two pieces that need to be glued together.
Replacement UP 5 Throttle Jack Face Plate Replacement UP 5 Throttle Jack Face Plate
Replacement UP 5 Throttle Jack Face Plate Replacement UP 5 Throttle Jack Face Plate

The Free-mo Throttle Panel - FMTP

A quick shout out to Southwestern Rail Systems and their custom Throttle Jacks. It is a great product for anyone building a Free-mo Module. You connect the Accessory Bus to the jack. This powers the battery saver function on the front of the panel. There is also a variable voltage DC power supply built into the board. You can use the DC output to power switch machines, DC accessory lights, the MSS Signal system, or whatever. There is also a place to hook up track power if you want to light the LED on the front, note the track power does not power the battery saver so that is not an issue. This is a great alternative to a UP5.

The Prawn Designs Custom Faceplates fit the FMTP perfectly.

You can find the FMTP on Etsy (


To place an order send an email to . Include a list of what you want to order (Part Number and Description) and your shipping address. We will get back to you with an estimate of when we will have your order is ready to ship and shipping costs.

Some items are available in the Prawn Designs Etsy Store.

Please read the Laser Cutting and Engraving FAQ page for details on laser cutting and engraving side effects.

Part Number Title and Description Price Image

Throttle Jack Mounts


UP5 Faceplate, Baltic Birch Plywood, Blank

$2.50 UP5 Blank


UP5 Faceplate, Baltic Birch Plywood, Custom Engraved

$3.50 UP5 Free-mo


UP5 Faceplate, Acrylic



UP5 Faceplate, Acrylic, Custom Engraved



UP5 Router Template

Router Template to inset a UP5 Throttle Jack into the Fascia.

$10.00 UP5 Router Template


UP5 Stencil

Once you have routered a space in the fascia for the Faceplate you need to cut a hole for the throttle jack to stick into. This stencil helps to define where that hole is. Drawn lines for the 4 sides and mark the location to drill for the holes for the four corners.

$4.00 UP5 Stencil


UP5 Router Template & Stencil Set

A set the include both the UP5 Router Template and the UP5 Stencil, PD-21007 and PD-21008.

$12.00 UP5 Router Template Set


UP7 Faceplate, Baltic Birch Plywood, Blank

$2.50 UP7 Face Plate

Note: This one has no engraving.


UP7 Faceplate, Baltic Birch Plywood, Custom Engraved

$3.50 UP7 Face Plate

Custom Engraved


UP7 Faceplate, Acrylic, Blank



UP7 Faceplate, Acrylic, Custom Engraved



UP7 Router Template

Router Template to inset a UP7 Throttle Jack into the Fascia.



UP7 Stencil

Once you have routered a space in the fascia for the Faceplate you need to cut a hole for the throttle jack to stick into. This stencil helps to define where that hole is. Drawn lines for the 4 sides and mark the location to drill for the holes for the four corners.



UP7 Router Template & Stencil Set

A set the include both the UP7 Router Template and the UP5 Stencil, PD-21007 and PD-21008.



NCE / Tony's Router Template

Router Template to inset a NCE / Tony's Throttle Jack into the Fascia.

$10.00 NCE Router Template


NCE / Tony's Stencil

Once you have routered a space in the fascia for the Faceplate you need to cut a hole for the throttle jack to stick into. This stencil helps to define where that hole is. Drawn lines for the 4 sides and mark the location to drill for the holes for the four corners.

$4.00 NCE Stencil


NCE / Tony's Router Template & Stencil Set

A set the include both the NCE / Tony's Router Template and the NCE / Tony's Stencil, PD-21010 and PD-21011.

$12.00 NCE Router Template Set


NCE / Tony's Faceplate, Baltic Birch Plywood, Blank

$2.50 PD-21013 NCE Face Plate Blank


NCE / Tony's Faceplate, Baltic Birch Plywood, Custom Engraved



To place an order send an email to . Include a list of what you want to order (Part Number and Description) and your shipping address. We will get back to you with an estimate of when we will have your order is ready to ship and shipping costs.

Some items are available in the Prawn Designs Etsy Store.

Please read the Laser Cutting and Engraving FAQ page for details on laser cutting and engraving side effects.