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Board Game Accessories - Prototype Model Trains - Custom Cutting and Engraving

Prototype Model Trains


Train Electronics

Free-mo Fitter Rail Tool

Free-mo Track Height Tool

Free-mo Module End Plate Rail Protectors

Leg Pockets

Optical Detector Mount

Rail Joint Bars

Rolling Stock Weight Ruler

Switch Machine Mount

Throttle Holders

Throttle Jack Faceplate

Throttle Jack Router Template

Tie Strips

Train Car Box

Track Laying Guides

Track Spacing Tool

Tray, Stacking Organizer

Zephyr Mounting Shelf

Custom Cutting

Price List

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Lily Pad Switch Machine Mount

Lily Pad, Switch Machine Mount

When using a Tortoise Switch machines once you have it mounted there is no adjustment for side to side. It can also be very difficult to get the screw up next to the machine to screw it to the under side of the layout.

I thought, there has to be a better way to mount a Tortoise Switch Machine and give it fine adjustment. I came up with the Lily Pad for Tortoise switch machines.

The Lily Pad is 1/4" thick Baltic Birch plywood. There are 4 holes so you can mount the Tortoise Switch Machine to the Lily Pad before you go under your layout. There are also four slightly oversize hole for mounting the Lily Pad to your layout. The oversize hole allows you to move the Lily Pad and the Tortoise Switch Machine slightly around to get it in just the right position.

The Lily Pad comes with eight screws and four washer . Four screws to mount a Tortoise Switch Machine to the Lily Pad and four screws and washers to mount the Lily Pad to the layout. 

Lily Pad Drill Guide

Lily Pad, Switch Machine Mount, Drilling Guide Lily Pad, Switch Machine Mount, Drilling Guide, Side View

Use the drill guide to drill pilot holes to mount the Lily Pad. Drill a 1/4" hole through the layout where the turnout control wire goes. Place the dowel on the Lily Pad Drill guide into the hole. Drill the four pilot holes.

Tortoise Slow-Motion Switch Machine is a Trade Mark of Circuiton ( 


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Some items are available in the Prawn Designs Etsy Store.

Please read the Laser Cutting and Engraving FAQ page for details on laser cutting and engraving side effects.

Part Number Title and Description Price Image

Switch Machine Mounts


Lily Pad, Switch Machine Mount

Mounting board for a Tortoise Slow-Motion Switch Machine.

Tortoise Slow-Motion Switch Machine is a Trade Mark of Circuiton (

$2.50 Lily Pad, Switch Machine Mount


Lily Pad, Switch Machine Mount, Drilling Guide

Drilling guide for the PD-21019 Lily Pad, to get perfect alignment of the switch machine to the switch. 

$3.00 Lily Pad, Switch Machine Mount, Drilling Guide Lily Pad, Switch Machine Mount, Drilling Guide, Side View