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Board Game Accessories - Prototype Model Trains - Custom Cutting and Engraving

Prototype Model Trains


Train Electronics

Free-mo Fitter Rail Tool

Free-mo Track Height Tool

Free-mo Module End Plate Rail Protectors

Leg Pockets

Optical Detector Mount

Rail Joint Bars

Rolling Stock Weight Ruler

Switch Machine Mount

Throttle Holders

Throttle Jack Faceplate

Throttle Jack Router Template

Tie Strips

Train Car Box

Track Laying Guides

Track Spacing Tool

Tray, Stacking Organizer

Zephyr Mounting Shelf

Custom Cutting

Price List

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Optical Detector Mount

No more fighting trying to cut a small rectangle hole to mount a optical detector, just drill a 1 inch hole under the track and you are almost done.

OPB704W optical Detector

This mount is designed around the OPB704W optical Detector.

The mount is made from 4 pieces of 1/8" baltic Birch plywood. There are a series of holes increasing in size. There are allow two alignment holes. The four pieces are stacked and glues together to create the mount. The design is for the mount to be flush with the bottom of the ties.

I include an optional replacement top square piece. You can replace the top piece with the square. If your hole is to big or has some other issue you can use the optional top piece. You will need to cut away 1/8" of road bed for it to sit down into.

I make different mounts for different track. The thickness if the ties varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. Below are images of three different mounts. The left one is flush, the next two vary as to how far the detector comes out the top. It should extend the thickness of the ties, so that the top of the detector is even with the top of the ties.

Here are more views of the same mounts.

The idea is you can install the mount, install your track, and ballast everything. Then insert the detector up from the bottom. This keeps the detector free and clean from glue and other stuff. The mount is designed to be a very snug fit. It might be necessary to sand the faces of the detectors slightly to get it to slide in.

Each piece has a number of short lines from 1 to 4 on it. There might also be some long horizontal 3 lines connecting the short lines. The long lines indicate what type track it is for. The short lines indicate where it goes in the stack; one line is at the top and 4 lines is on the bottom.

Boulder Creek Engineering Night Scope

We now have a mount for the Boulder Creeek Engineering Night Scpoe Detectors

Iowa Scaled Engineering

This is a four piece mount. It comes with two top pieces, one round and one square, you pick which one you want to use.

Scale Signal Systems

Scale Signal Systems is working on a new optical detector that automatically adjusts in almost any light setting. It is based on the VCNL 4010 detector.  We are working with them to design a mount for the new detector. 

Note: This mount uses a slightly larger round hole. 


To place an order send an email to . Include a list of what you want to order (Part Number and Description) and your shipping address. We will get back to you with an estimate of when we will have your order is ready to ship and shipping costs.

Some items are available in the Prawn Designs Etsy Store.

Please read the Laser Cutting and Engraving FAQ page for details on laser cutting and engraving side effects.

Part Number Title and Description Price Image

Optical Detector Mounts


Optical Detector Mount for OPB704W

Easy mounting of an OPB704W optical detector. Easy mounting in a 1" round hole. There are different mounts that leave the detector sticking different distances out the top of the mount. The detector should extend the thickness of the ties. There are two mounting options included. Flush mount to the top of the road bed with a round top piece, or with a 1.25" square of 1/8" thick birch plywood cut into the roadbed so that the top is flush with the top of the roadbed.

  • Flush, 0.00 inches
  • CVMW - Central Valley Model Works, 0.065"
  • ME - Micro Engineering, 0.084"
  • P & A - Peco and Atlas, 0.080"

Other distances available upon request.



Optical Detector Mount for Boulder Creek Engineering Night Scope

Easy mounting of an Boulder Creek Engineering Night Scope optical detector. Easy mounting in a 1" round hole. There are two mounting options included. Flush mount to the top of the road bed or with a 1.25" square of 1/8" thick birch plywood cut into the roadbed so that the top is flush with the top of the roadbed.



Optical Detector Mount for Iowa Scaled Engineering

Easy mounting of an Iowa Scaled Engineering optical detector. Easy mounting in a 1" round hole. There are two mounting options included. Flush mount to the top of the road bed or with a 1.25" square of 1/8" thick birch plywood cut into the roadbed so that the top is flush with the top of the roadbed.



Optical Detector Mount for Scale Signal Systems VCNL 4010

Easy mounting of an SSS VCNL 4010 optical detector. Easy mounting in a 1.25" round hole. There are two mounting options included. Flush mount to the top of the road bed or with a 1.25" square of 1/8" thick birch plywood cut into the roadbed so that the top is flush with the top of the roadbed.
