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Board Games Accessories

Prototype Model Train Accessories

Other Stuff Accessories

Board Games Accessories

Settlers Hex Board

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Compatible with Settlers of Catan and Seafarers of Catan (© Mayfair Games)

Disclaimer: This is an accessory for the game, not a replacement. You will need to have a copy of the game to play. This project is in no way affiliated or endorsed by the publishers or trademark holders of the game. 

Bundles and Sets

In the end of the description is the Board Short hand equivalent. You will notice that PD-12010 and PD-11006 are both labeled as B2, both units will add two in the B direction. PD-12010 can also as one in the B direction where PD-11006 cannot.

Part Number Title and Description Price Image


Hex Board Style 1 Bundle

Includes Items: PD-11001, PD-11002, PD-11046, and PD-11047

Compatible with Settlers 3-4 board, Settlers 5-6 player expansion board, one 5 deck Flat Pack Card Tray and one single deck Flat Pack Card Tray.

This is a Base Board + A1

NOTE: The image shows the older Kit Card Tray instead of the newer Flat Pack Card Track.

$100 PD-12001 Hex Board Style 1 Bundle


Hex Board Style 1 with the Expansion Accessory Board A, B1 and B2 Bundle

Includes Items: PD-11001, PD-11002, PD-11046, PD-11047, PD-11005, PD-11006, and PD-11014

Compatible with Settlers 3-4 board, Settlers 5-6 player expansion board, Seafarers 3-4 and 5-6 player expansion boards, two C1 expansion boards and one C2 expansion boards,one 5 deck Flat Pack Card Tray and one single deck Flat Pack Card Tray.

This is a Base Board + A1 + B4 + C4

NOTE: The image shows the older Kit Card Tray instead of the newer Flat Pack Card Track.

$170 PD-12002 Hex Board Style 1 with the Expansion Accessory Board A, B1 and B2 Bundle


Limited Edition Numbered Collectors Accessory Hex Board Style 1 Set

Includes Items: PD-11001, PD-11002, PD-11046, PD-11047, PD-11005, PD-11006, PD-11007, (PD-11008 or PD-11009), PD-11014, PD-13001 and PD-13002

This item is limited to 20 sets. These special edition boards are made from Red Oak Plywood instead of Baltic Birch. These boards are all numbered and signed (laser engraved) on the backs.

This set includes the Hex Board Style 1 (the basic board), two A Expansion Accessory Boards, two B1 Expansion Accessory Boards, three B2 Expansion Accessory Boards, two C1 expansion boards and one C2 expansion boards. Oil finished in your choice of colors. Includes Custom Engraving on the border of the boards. Also Includes one single deck Flat Pack Card Tray and two five deck Flat Pack Card Tray. Card trays are made out of Birch Ply and delivered in raw wood.

We are not done yet, you also get 12 blank hexes, 12 Hexes with House Shaped Holes (same as the ones in PD-1007) and 12 Hexes with Keyhole Shaped Holes or 12 Hexes with Half Circle Shaped Hole (see PD-1008 and PD-1009). Hexes are made out of Birch Ply and delivered in raw wood.

These boards will be numbered "01 / 20" to "20 / 20" on the back (laser engraved) and signed (laser engraved). Get one of the 20 Limited Edition Numbered Red Oak Collector board sets.

This is a Base Board + A1 + B4 + C4

$300 PD-12003 Oak Board PD-12003 Oak Board Back Stamp


Hex Board Style 1 Gift Bundle

Includes Items: PD-11001, PD-11002, PD-11046, PD-11047 and PD-11007

Do you want to buy this for a friend or family member, but are unsure what to order? The Hex Board Style 1 Gift Bundle is compatible with every edition of Settlers from first through fourth!

This set includes the Hex Board Style 1 (the basic board) and two A Expansion Accessory Boards. Also Included are one single Flat Pack Card Tray and Two 5 deck Flat Pack Card Tray. Plus 12 blank hexes and 12 Hexes with House Shaped Holes.

This is a Base Board + A1

NOTE: The image shows the older Kit Card Tray instead of the newer Flat Pack Card Track.

$115 PD-12004 Hex Board Style 1 Gift Bundle


Hex Board Style 1 with the Expansion Accessory Board A, B1 and B2 Gift Bundle

Includes Items: PD-11001, PD-11002, PD-11046, PD-11047, PD-11005, PD-11006, PD-11007, PD-11008, PD-11009 and PD-11014

Do you want to buy this for a friend or family member, but are unsure what to order? This Gift Bundle is compatible with every edition of Settlers of Catan and Seafarers from first through fourth!

This set includes the Hex Board Style 1 (the basic board), two A Expansion Accessory Boards, four B1 Expansion Accessory Boards, two B2 Expansion Accessory Boards, two C1 expansion boards and one C2 expansion boards. Also Included are the single deck Flat Pack Card Tray and Two 5 deck Flat Pack Card Trays. Plus 12 blank hexes, 12 hexes with house shaped holes, 12 hexes Keyhole shaped holes and 12 hexes Half Circle shaped holes.

This is a Base Board + A1 + B4 + C4

$195 PD-12005 Hex Board Style 1 with the Expansion Accessory Board A, B1 and B2 Gift Bundle


Hex Board Style 1 Expansion Accessory Board B1 and B2 Set

Includes Items: Items from PD-11005 and PD-11006. It is a full PD-1105 and a 1/2 PD-11006)

This set includes two B1 and one B2 Hex Board Style 1 Expansion Accessory Boards. This set will expand the Hex Board Style 1 one or two hexes. Hex Board Style 1 (PD-11001) and two of these sets will expand the Hex Board Style 1 to be compatible with all the scenarios in Seafarers 4E. Requires the Hex Board Style 1 (PD-11001).

This is B2

$30 PD-12010 Bundle


Hex Board Style 1 Ad Hoc Bundle

You want an extra large board? Combine the base board PD-11001 with a combination of Expanders A, B1, B2, C1 and C2 to build a custom size board. Contact us at to get a price for your Ad Hoc Bundle.


Individual Parts

Part Number Title and Description Price Image


Hex Board Style 1

Includes two "left" and two "right" board pieces. Compatible with Settlers of Catan 3-4 player game.

This is a Base Board

$65 PD-11001 Hex Board Style 1


Hex Board Style 1 Expansion Accessory Board A

Includes two "center" sections to expand the Hex Board Style 1 to be compatible with the Settlers of Catan 5-6 player game. Requires the Hex Board Style 1 (PD-11001).

This is A1

$33 PD-11002 Hex Board Style 1 Accessory Expander A


Hex Board Style 1 Expansion Accessory Board B1

Includes two single hex expansion pieces. Compatible with Catan: Seafarers Game Expansion. Requires the Hex Board Style 1 (PD-11001).

This is B1

$15 PD-11005 Hex Board Style 1 Expansion Accessory Board B1


Hex Board Style 1 Expansion Accessory Board B2

Includes two double hex expansions pieces. Compatible with Catan: Seafarers Game Expansion. Requires the Hex Board Style 1 (PD-11001). To play the largest boards in the 5-6 Expansion you will need the Hex Board Style 1 Expansion Accessory Board B1 PD-11005 too.

This is B2

$30 PD-11006 Hex Board Style 1 Expansion Accessory Board B2


Hex Set with House Shaped Hole

Includes 12 blank hexes and 12 adapter hexes with house shaped holes. The hexes are designed to fit Hex Board Style 1, 3 1/8" across the flats. The hexes are shipped raw wood.

$10 PD-11007 Hex Set with House Shaped Hole


Hex Set with Keyhole Shaped Hole

Includes 12 blank hexes and 12 adapter hexes with keyhole shaped holes. The hexes are designed to fit Hex Board Style 1, 3 1/8" across the flats. The hexes are shipped raw wood.

$10 PD-11008 Hex Set with Keyhole Shaped Hole


Hex Set with Half Circle Shaped Hole

Includes 12 blank hexes and 12 adapter hexes with half circle shaped holes. The hexes are designed to fit Hex Board Style 1, 3 1/8" across the flats. The hexes are shipped raw wood.

$10 PD-11009 Hex Set with Half Circle Shaped Hole


Hex Board Style 1 Expansion Accessory Board C Set

Do you want to make an even bigger board? The Expansion Accessory Board C allows you to use both the Expansion Accessory Board A and Expansion Accessory Board B at the same time, filling the center area of the board. This expander comes with three pieces (two C1 and one C2) so you can use Expander A with B1, A with B2 or A with two B1 and one B2 expander.

This is C4

$18 PD-11014 Hex Board Style 1 Expansion Accessory Board C Set


Hex Set with Circle 1" Hole

Includes 12 blank hexes and 12 adapter hexes with circle holes. The hexes are designed to fit Hex Board Style 1, 3 1/8" across the flats. The hexes are shipped raw wood.

$10 PD-11016 Hex Set with Circle 1


Hexes mix and match

Includes 12 hexes, mix and match from the different style hexes; blank, House, Round, Half Circle, Keyhole. The hexes are designed to fit Hex Board Style 1, 3 1/8" across the flats. The hexes are shipped raw wood.

$5 PD-11017 Mix and Match


Double Hex

Two hexes joined together into one piece. The hexes are designed to fit Hex Board Style 1, 3 1/8" across the flats. The hexes are shipped in raw wood.

$1.00 PD-11018 Hex Double


Triple Hex

Three hexes joined together into one piece. The hexes are designed to fit Hex Board Style 1, 3 1/8" across the flats. The hexes are shipped in raw wood.

$1.50 PD-11019 Hex Triple


Hex Dice Box Kit

Hex dice box kit. The finished box is approximately 3 3/8" across the flats. Assembly required, recommended tools to assemble the Dice Box; hobby knife, sand paper and glue.

$4.00 Hex Dice Box Kit


Quad Hex

Four hexes joined together into one piece. The hexes are designed to fit Hex Board Style 1, 3 1/8" across the flats. The hexes are shipped in raw wood.



Hex Board Style 1 Expansion Accessory Board B4

Includes one four hex expansion pieces. Requires the Hex Board Style 1 (PD-11001).

This is B4

$32.00 PD-11024 Hex Board Style 1 Expansion Accessory Board B4


Hex Board Style 1 Expansion Accessory Board B6

Includes one six hex expansion pieces. Requires the Hex Board Style 1 (PD-11001).

This is B6

$48.00 PD-11025 Hex Board Style 1 Expansion Accessory Board B6


Hex Board Style 1 Expansion Accessory Board C1

Do you want to make an even bigger board? The Expansion Accessory Board C allows you to use both the Expansion Accessory Board A and Expansion Accessory Board B at the same time, filling the center area of the board. Includes a single one hex expansion piece. Requires the Hex Board Style 1 (PD-11001), Expansion Board A (PD-11002) and Expansion Board B1 (PD-11005).

This is C1

$4.50 PD-11026 Hex Board Style 1 Expansion Accessory Board C1


Hex Board Style 1 Expansion Accessory Board C2

Do you want to make an even bigger board? The Expansion Accessory Board C allows you to use both the Expansion Accessory Board A and Expansion Accessory Board B at the same time, filling the center area of the board. Includes a single two hex expansion piece. Requires the Hex Board Style 1 (PD-11001), Expansion Board A (PD-11002) and Expansion Board B2 (PD-11006).

This is C2

$9.00 PD-11027 Hex Board Style 1 Expansion Accessory Board C2


Hex Board Style 1 Expansion Accessory Board C4

Do you want to make an even bigger board? The Expansion Accessory Board C allows you to use both the Expansion Accessory Board A and Expansion Accessory Board B at the same time, filling the center area of the board. Includes a single four hex expansion piece. Requires the Hex Board Style 1 (PD-11001), Expansion Board A (PD-11002) and Expansion Board B4 (PD-11024).

This is C4

$18.00 PD-11028 Hex Board Style 1 Expansion Accessory Board C4


Hex Board Style 1 Expansion Accessory Board C6

Do you want to make an even bigger board? The Expansion Accessory Board C allows you to use both the Expansion Accessory Board A and Expansion Accessory Board B at the same time, filling the center area of the board. Includes a single six hex expansion piece. Requires the Hex Board Style 1 (PD-11001), Expansion Board A (PD-11002) and Expansion Board B6 (PD-11025).

This is C6

$27.00 PD-11029 Hex Board Style 1 Expansion Accessory C6


Part Number Title and Description Price Image


Optional Oil Finish

Have your board oil finished before it is shipped. Color choices are Plain Teak Oil (no color), Golden Oak, Fruitwood, Cherry, or Medium Walnut. Please see the Prawn Designs web site for a sample each color. Some colors of playing pieces show up better with some of the stains, some not as well; orange in Fruitwood, red in cheery and brown in medium walnut. I feel the best color stain is Golden Oak or Plain Oil. This price is for the Hex Board Style 1 with the Expansion Accessory Board A. If you are also buying the Expansion Accessory Board B1 and B2 add $20 to get them all stained. I am currently using Watco Danish Oil Finish.

$40 Color Sample Page


Optional Engraving

Engrave your name, company or saying on the outer frame of the board, subject to content review by Prawn Designs. It will be visible during play. The same thing will be engraved on all 4 pieces of the Hex Board Style 1. The space for the engraving is approximately 1/2" by 12". This will fit approximately 43 characters.

$30 PD-13002 Optional Engraving

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Twilight Imperium Hex Board

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Designed to hold hex tiles that measure 3 13/16 inches across the flats. The board breaks down into six pieces for easy transportation and storage. This board is compatible with Twilight Imperium (© Fantasy Flight Games ).

Disclaimer: This is an accessory for the game, not a replacement. You will need to have a copy of the game to play. This project is in no way affiliated or endorsed by the publishers or trademark holders of the game. 

Bundles and Sets

All of the images are links. Click on any of the images to see a larger version in a new window.

Part Number Title and Description Price Image


Twilight Imperium 3rd Ed Hex Accessory Board (Style 2) Bundle

Includes Items: PD-11015 and PD-11023

Compatible with Twilight Imperium Third Edition (© Fantasy Flight Games) up to and including the larger 7-8 player layout.

$126 PD-12001 Hex Board Style 1 Bundle


Twilight Imperium 3rd Ed Hex Accessory Board (Style 2)

This is the basic board, compatible with Twilight Imperium Third Edition (© Fantasy Flight Games).

$85 PD-12002 Hex Board Style 1 with the Expansion Accessory Board A, B1 and B2 Bundle


Twilight Imperium 3rd Ed Hex Accessory Board Expansion (Style 2)

Requires PD-11015

This is the expander board, compatible with Twilight Imperium Third Edition (© Fantasy Flight Games).

$55 PD-12003 Oak Board


Twilight Imperium 4th Ed Hex Accessory Board (Style 2B)

This is the basic board, compatible with Twilight Imperium Fourth Edition (© Fantasy Flight Games).

$100 PD-12003 Oak Board


Twilight Imperium 4th Ed Hex Accessory Board Expander (Style 2B)

Requires PD-111098

This is the expander board, compatible with Twilight Imperium Fourth Edition (© Fantasy Flight Games).

$65 PD-12003 Oak Board


Twilight Imperium 4th Ed Hex Accessory Board Bundle (Style 2B)

Includes Items: PD-11098 and PD-11099

Compatible with Twilight Imperium Fourth Edition (© Fantasy Flight Games) up to and including the larger 7-8 player layout.

$150 PD-12003 Oak Board


Twilight Imperium Deluxe 4th Ed Hex Accessory Board (Style 2B)

The deluxe version has a wider space around the frame for the cards and 6 token pockets.

This is the basic board, compatible with Twilight Imperium Fourth Edition (© Fantasy Flight Games).

Prophecy of Kings upgrade: Replace one of the Token Pocket Section with the Prophecy of Kings Section. See part PD-11119 below. There is no additional cost for this upgrade.

$135 PD-12003 Oak Board


Twilight Imperium Deluxe 4th Ed Hex Accessory Board Section for Prophecy of Kings (Style 2B)

The deluxe version has a wider space around the frame for the cards and 6 token pockets.

This is a single section upgrade for the Deluxe board designed around the Prophecy of Kings expansion. You must have a Twilight Imperium Deluxe 4th Ed Hex Accessory Board to use this section. Compatible with Twilight Imperium Fourth Edition (© Fantasy Flight Games).

$26 PD-12003 Oak Board


Twilight Imperium Deluxe 4th Ed Hex Accessory Board Expander (Style 2B)

Requires PD-11102

This is the expander board, compatible with Twilight Imperium Fourth Edition (© Fantasy Flight Games).

$85 PD-12003 Oak Board


Twilight Imperium Deluxe 4th Ed Hex Accessory Board Bundle (Style 2B)

Includes Items: PD-11102 and PD-11103

The deluxe version has a wider space around the frame for the cards and 6 token pockets.

This is the basic and expander board, compatible with Twilight Imperium Fourth Edition (© Fantasy Flight Games).

Prophecy of Kings upgrade: Replace one of the Token Pocket Section with the Prophecy of Kings Section. See part PD-11119 above. There is no additional cost for this upgrade.

$200 PD-12003 Oak Board

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Tsuro Board

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Compatible with Tsuro(© Wizkids).

Disclaimer: This is an accessory for the game, not a replacement. You will need to have a copy of the game to play. This project is in no way affiliated or endorsed by the publishers or trademark holders of the game. 
Part Number Title and Description Price Image


Tsuro Accessory Game Board

If you are not familiar with Tsuro, it is a tile placement game.

As with most tile placement games; the tiles tend to slide around the table when you are playing the game. We have designed a game board to hold the Tsuro tiles in place. This also helps player alaign the tiles correctly

$60.00 Tsuro Board

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Quarriors Board

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Compatible with Tsuro(© Calliope Games).

Disclaimer: This is an accessory for the game, not a replacement. You will need to have a copy of the game to play. This project is in no way affiliated or endorsed by the publishers or trademark holders of the game. 
Part Number Title and Description Price Image


Quarriors Accessory Board

Includes 4 piece board that holds 14 cards and dice sets.

$40 Brains Spin Counter (Single)


Score Card 1 to 20

The board is desinged to hold up to four scoring cubes on each number.

$10 Brains Spin Counter set of 6


Quarriors Accessory Board and Score Card

Includes 4 piece board that holds 14 cards and dice sets and a score card.


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Ghost Stories Board

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Compatible with Tsuro(© Calliope Games).

Disclaimer: This is an accessory for the game, not a replacement. You will need to have a copy of the game to play. This project is in no way affiliated or endorsed by the publishers or trademark holders of the game. 
Part Number Title and Description Price Image


Ghost Stories Accessory Board

Ghost Stories accessory board. The board is designed to hold 9 tokens that are 3.14" (80 mm) square. There are spaces so you can pickup and flip the tokens over. The board has a hole in the center to help get it out of the box.


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Exodus: Proxima Centauri Hex Board

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Compatible with Exodus: Proxima Centauri(© NSKN Games).

Disclaimer: This is an accessory for the game, not a replacement. You will need to have a copy of the game to play. This project is in no way affiliated or endorsed by the publishers or trademark holders of the game. 
Part Number Title and Description Price Image


Exodus Accessory Game Board


$65.00 Exodus


Exodus Accessory Game Board, Expander (pair)


$35.00 Exodus


Exodus Accessory Game Board Bundle (2 Expanders)

Does not include any blank hexes.

$120.00 Exodus


Blank Hex 3.544 inches (90mm) across the Flats

Includes 12 blank Hex 3.544 (90mm) across the Flats. Fits Exodus Board. The hexes are shipped raw wood.


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Card Trays

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 Card Tray 2.375 X 3.750 X 1.00, 5 Deck, Flat Pack

Card Tray Size Index

Part Number Title and Description Price Image

1.30" X 1.80" (33.0mm X 45.7mm) Card Trays

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Card Tray 1.30" X 1.80" X 0.625", 10 Deck, Double, Flat Pack (33.0mm X 45.7mm X 15.8mm)

A tray for 10 decks of cards, two levels. The card deck spaces is 0.625" (15.8mm) tall.

$15.00 3 Deck Tray

1.87" X 2.75" (47.6mm X 69.8mm) Card Trays

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Card Tray 1.87" X 2.75" X 2.00", 3 Deck, Discard, Flat Pack (47.6mm X 69.8mm X 50.8mm)

A tray for 3 decks of cards. The card deck space is 2.00" (50.8mm) tall with a discard space. The discard space is 0.75" (19.0mm) tall.

$9.00 3 Deck Tray


Card Tray 1.87" X 2.75" X 2.50", 4 Deck, Discard, Flat Pack (47.6mm X 69.8mm X 63.5mm)

A tray for 4 decks of cards. The card deck space is 2.00" (63.5mm) tall. The discard space is 0.75" (19.0mm) tall.

$12.00 3 Deck Tray


Card Tray 1.87" X 2.75" X 2.74", 5 Deck, Flat Pack (47.6mm X 69.8mm X 69.5mm)

A tray for 5 decks of cards. The card deck space is 2.74" (69.5mm) tall.

$9.00 5 Deck Tray


Card Tray 1.87" X 2.75" X 2.74", 5 Deck, Discard, Flat Pack (47.6mm X 69.8mm X 69.5mm)

A tray for 5 decks of cards. The card deck space is 2.74" (69.5mm) tall with a discard space. The discard space is 1.25" (31.7mm) tall.

$13.00 5 Deck Double Tray


Card Tray 1.87" X 2.75" X 0.62", 10 Deck, Two Level, Flat Pack (47.6mm X 69.8mm X 15.8mm)

A tray for 10 decks of cards, two levels. The card deck space is 0.62" (15.8mm) tall.

$14.00 10 Deck Tray


Card Tray 1.87" X 2.75" X 1.125", 10 Deck, Two Level, Flat Pack (47.6mm X 69.8mm X 28.5mm)

A tray for 10 decks of cards, two levels. The card deck space is 1.125" (28.5mm) tall.

$17.00 10 Deck Tray


Card Tray 1.87" X 2.75" X 0.62", 10 Deck, Discard, Two Level, Flat Pack (47.6mm X 69.8mm X 15.8mm)

A tray for 10 decks of cards, two levels with a discard space. The card deck spaces are 0.62" (15.8mm) tall. The discard spaces are 0.62" (15.8mm) tall.

$19.00 10 Deck Double Tray


Card Tray 1.87" X 2.75" X 1.25", 12 Deck, Double, Discard, Flat Pack (47.6mm X 69.8mm X 31.75mm)

A tray for 12 decks of cards, two levels with a discard spaces. The card deck spaces are 1.25" (31.75mm) tall. The discard spaces are 0.75" (19.0mm) tall.

$25.00 3 Deck Tray


Card Tray 1.87" X 2.75" X 0.62", 12 Deck, Two Level, Flat Pack (47.6mm X 69.8mm X 15.8mm)

A tray for 12 decks of cards, two levels. The card deck space is 0.62" (15.8mm) tall.

$13.00 12 Deck, Flat Pack


Card Tray 1.87" X 2.75" X 1.125", 2 Deck, Two Level, Flat Pack (47.6mm X 69.8mm X 15.8mm)

A tray for 2 decks of cards, two levels. The card deck space is 1.25" (15.8mm) tall.

$5.00 12 Deck, Flat Pack


Card Tray 1.87" X 2.75" X 1.25", 4 Deck, Two Level, Flat Pack (47.6mm X 69.8mm X 15.8mm)

A tray for 4 decks of cards, two levels. The card deck space is 1.25" (15.8mm) tall.

$8.00 12 Deck, Flat Pack


Card Tray 1.87" X 2.75" X 1.19", 10 Deck, Vertical, 2 Rows, Flat Pack (47.6mm X 69.8mm X 30mm)

A tray for 10 Deck, Vertical, 2 Rows, Flat Pack. The card deck space is 1.19" (30mm) deep.


1.89" X 2.76" (48mm X 70mm) Card Trays

Back to Card Tray Index


Card Tray 1.89" X 2.76" X 1.19" Single Deck Kit, (48mm X 70mm X 30mm)

Replaced by PD-11263

A tray kit for 2 decks of cards with spaces that are 1.89" X 2.76" by 1.19" (30mm) tall. Assembly required, recommended tools to assemble the trays; hobby knife, sand paper and glue.



Card Tray 1.89" X 2.76" X 1.19" Single Deck, Flat Pack, (48mm X 70mm X 30mm)

A tray for 2 decks of cards with spaces that are 1.89" X 2.76" by 1.19" (30mm) tall.


2.00" X 3.00" (50.8mm X 76.2mm) Card Trays

Back to Card Tray Index


Card Tray 2.00 X 3.00 X 0.875, 10 Deck, Two Level, Flat Pack (50.8mm X 76.2mm X 22.23mm)

A tray for 10 decks of cards, two levels. The card deck space is 0.875" (22.23mm) tall.

$15.00 PD-11003 1 Slot Tray

2.25" X 3.25" (57mm X 82mm) Card Trays

Back to Card Tray Index


Card Tray 2.25" X 3.25" X 0.50" 1 Deck, Kit,  (57mm X 82mm)

A tray kit for a single deck cards with a space that is 2.25" X 3.25" by 0.50" (12.7mm) tall. Assembly required, recommended tools to assemble the trays; hobby knife, sand paper and glue.

The Kit card trays were an early design, there is a newer Flat Pack design below that replaces this design.

$4.00 PD-11003 1 Slot Tray


Card Tray 2.25" X 3.25" X 0.375" 3 Deck, Kit, (57mm X 82mm)

A tray kit for 3 decks of cards with spaces that are 2.25" X 3.25" by 0.375" (9.5mm) tall. Assembly required, recommended tools to assemble the trays; hobby knife, sand paper and glue.

The Kit card trays were an early design, there is a newer Flat Pack design below that replaces this design.

$6.00 PD-11020 3 Slot Tray


Card Tray 2.25" X 3.25" X0.375" 5 Deck, Kit,  (57mm X 82mm)

A tray kit for 5 decks of cards with spaces that are 2.25" X 3.25" by 0.375" (9.5mm) tall. Assembly required, recommended tools to assemble the trays; hobby knife, sand paper and glue.

The Kit card trays were an early design, there is a newer Flat Pack
design below that replaces this design.

$8.00 PD-11004 5 Slot Tray


Card Tray 2.25" X 3.25" one single Deck Kit and one 5 Deck Kit,  (57mm X 82mm)

Includes Items: PD-11003 and PD-11004

This kit set includes the parts to build two card trays that are 2.25" X 3.25". One single space card tray and one five space card tray. The single space tray is 0.50" (12.7mm) tall and the five space tray is 0.375" (9.5mm) tall. You will need a hobby knife, glue and rubber bands (or small clamps). Sand paper is options.

The Kit card trays were an early design, there is a newer Flat Pack
design below that replaces this design.

$10.00 PD-12011 Card Tray Kit Set,  one single space and one fieve space card tray


Card Tray 2.25" X 3.25" X 0.60", 5 Deck, Flat Pack (57mm X 82mm X 15mm)

A tray for 5 decks of cards. The card deck space is 0.60" (15mm) tall. The top picture shows the tray together and the bottom picture shows it apart for storage.

$8.00 5 Deck Tray
5 Deck Tray


Card Tray 2.25" X 3.25" X 0.60", 6 Deck, Flat Pack (57mm X 82mm X 15mm)

A tray for 6 decks of cards. The card deck space is 0.60" (15mm) tall.

$9.00 5 Deck Tray


Card Tray 2.25" X 3.25" X 0.60", 6 Deck, Discard, Flat Pack (57mm X 82mm X 15mm)

A tray for 6 decks of cards. The card deck space is 0.60" (15mm) tall with a discard space. The discard space is 0.60"" (15mm) tall.

$14.00 5 Deck Tray


Card Tray 2.25" X 3.25" X 0.60", 1 Deck, Flat Pack (57mm X 82mm X 15mm)

A tray for 1 deck of cards. The card deck space is 0.60" (15mm) tall. The top picture shows the tray together and the bottom picture shows it apart for storage.

$4.00 5 Deck Double Tray
5 Deck Double Tray


Card Tray 2.25" X 3.25" X 0.60", 1 & 5 Deck Set, Flat Pack (57mm X 82mm X 15mm)

Two trays, one for 5 desks and one tray for 1 deck of cards. The card deck space is 0.60" (15mm) tall. This set includes both PD-11046 and PD-11047

$10.00 5 Deck Double Tray
5 Deck Tray


Card Tray 2.25" X 3.25" X 0.60", 1 & 5 Deck Set, Flat Pack (57mm X 82mm X 15mm)

Three trays, two for 5 desks and one tray for 1 deck of cards. The card deck space is 0.60" (15mm) tall. This set includes both PD-11046 (X2) and PD-11047

$17.00 5 Deck Double Tray
5 Deck Tray 5 Deck Tray
(5 Deck Tray X2)


Card Tray 2.25" X 3.25" X 0.60", 3 Deck, Flat Pack Rev 5 (57mm X 82mm X 15mm)

One tray for 3 desks of cards. The card deck space is 0.60" (15mm) tall. The top picture shows the tray together and the bottom picture shows it apart for storage.

$6.00 5 Deck Double Tray
5 Deck Double Tray

2.317" X 3.375" (58.8mm X 85.7mm) Card Trays

These are slightly oversized 2.25" X 3.25" trays (by 1/16"), designed to hold sleeved cards. This size is good for some but not all sleeves, measure your cards very exact, you might need a tray even a little bigger. If you are not sure, contact us and we will see if we can help you.

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Card Tray 2.317" X 3.375" X 0.60", 5 Deck, Flat Pack (58.8mm X 85.7mm X 15mm)

A tray for 5 decks of cards. The card deck space is 0.60" (15mm) tall. The top picture shows the tray together and the bottom picture shows it apart for storage.

$8.00 5 Deck Tray
5 Deck Tray


Card Tray 2.317" X 3.375" X 0.60", 1 Deck, Flat Pack (58.8mm X 85.7mm X 15mm)

A tray for 1 deck of cards. The card deck space is 0.60" (15mm) tall. The top picture shows the tray together and the bottom picture shows it apart for storage.

$4.00 5 Deck Double Tray
5 Deck Double Tray


Card Tray 2.317" X 3.375" X 0.60", 1 and 5 Deck, Flat Pack (58.8mm X 85.7mm X 15mm) Set

Two trays, one for 5 desks and one tray for 1 deck of cards. The card deck space is 0.60" (15mm) tall. This set includes both PD-11046 and PD-11047

$10.00 5 Deck Double Tray
5 Deck Tray


Card Tray 2.317" X 3.375" X 0.60", 1 Deck and (2) 5 Deck, Flat Pack (58.8mm X 85.7mm X 15mm) Set

Three trays, two for 5 desks and one tray for 1 deck of cards. The card deck space is 0.60" (15mm) tall. This set includes both PD-11046 (X2) and PD-11047

$17.00 5 Deck Double Tray
5 Deck Tray
5 Deck Tray

(5 Deck Tray X2)


Card Tray, 2.317" X 3.375" X 0.60", 3 Deck, Flat Pack Rev 5 (58.8mm X 85.7mm X 15mm)

One tray for 3 desks of cards. The card deck space is 0.60" (15mm) tall. The top picture shows the tray together and the bottom picture shows it apart for storage.

$6.00 5 Deck Double Tray
5 Deck Double Tray


Card Tray, 2.317" X 3.375" X 1.0", 1 Deck, Flat Pack (58.8mm X 85.7mm X 25.4mm)

One tray for 1 desk of cards. The card deck space is 1.0" (25.4mm) tall.

$4.00 5 Deck Double Tray


Card Tray, 2.317" X 3.375" X 1.0", 5 Deck, Flat Pack Rev 5 (58.8mm X 85.7mm X 25.4mm)

One tray for 5 desks of cards. The card deck space is 1.0" (25.4mm) tall.

$8.00 5 Deck Double Tray

2.375" X 3.750" (60.3mm X 95.2mm) Card Trays

A standar Bridge Size Card is 2.25" X 3.5", they would fit in these trays.)

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Card Tray 2.375" X 3.750" X 1.00", 5 Deck, Flat Pack (60.3mm X 95.2mm X 25.4mm)

A tray for 5 decks of cards. The card deck space is 1" (25.4mm) tall.

$9.00 10 Deck Tray

2.43" X 3.55" (61.8mm X 90.2mm) Card Trays

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Card Tray 2.43" X 3.55" X 2.41, 2 Deck, Flat Pack (66mm X 92mm X 61.3mm)

A tray for 2 decks of cards. The card deck space is 2.41" (61.3mm) tall.

$8.00 10 Deck Tray


Card Tray 2.43" X 3.55" X 2.41, 2 Deck, Back to Back, Flat Pack (66mm X 92mm X 61.3mm)

A tray for 2 decks of cards back to back. The card deck space is 2.41" (61.3mm) tall.

$8.00 10 Deck Tray


Card Tray 2.43" X 3.55" X 1.50", 18 Deck, Triple, Flat Pack (61.8mm X 92.0mm X 38.1mm)

A tray for 18 decks of cards, three levels. The card deck space is 1.50" (38.1mm) tall.

$30.00 12 Deck, Flat Pack


Card Tray 2.43" X 3.55" X 12.00", 2 Deck, Discard, Flat Pack (61.8mm X 92.0mm X 204.8mm)

A tray for 2 decks of cards, with Discard piles on either side. The card deck space is 12.0" (204.8mm) tall, the discard piles are 6.00" (152.4mm) tall.

$30.00 12 Deck, Flat Pack

2.43" X 3.62" (61.8mm X 92.0mm) Card Trays

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Card Tray 2.43" X 3.62" X 3.25", 2 Deck, Flat Pack (61.8mm X 92.0mm X 82.5mm)

A tray for 2 decks of cards. The card deck space is 3.25" (82.5mm) tall.

$7.00 2 Deck, Flat Pack


Card Tray 2.43" X 3.62" X 6.00", 2 Deck, Flat Pack (61.8mm X 92.0mm X 152mm)

A tray for 2 decks of cards. The card deck space is 6.00" (152.4mm) tall.

$9.00 2 Deck, Flat Pack


Card Tray 2.43" X 3.62" X 6.00", 2 Deck, Discard, Flat Pack (61.8mm X 92.0mm X 152mm)

A tray for 2 decks of cards, with discards space to the sides. The card deck space is 6.00" (152mm) tall. The discard space is 3.25" (82.5mm) tall.

$12.00 2 Deck Double, Flat Pack


Card Tray 2.43" X 3.62" X 1.125", 5 Deck, Discard, Flat Pack (61.88mm X 92.07mm X 28.5mm)

A tray for 5 decks of cards, two levels with a discard space. The card deck space is 1.125" (28.5mm) tall. The discard space is 1.125" (28.5mm) tall.

$14.00 5 Deck Double, Flat Pack


Card Tray 2.43" X 3.62" X 1.125", 5 Deck Vertical Flat Pack (61.8mm X 92.0mm X 28.5mm)

A tray for 5 decks of cards standing vertically. The card deck space is 1.125" (28.5mm) thick.

$13.00 5 Deck Vertical Flat Pack


Card Tray 2.43 X 3.62 X 1.125, 10 Deck Vertical Flat Pack (61.8mm X 92.0mm X 28.5mm)

A tray for 10 decks of cards standing vertically. The card deck space is 1.125" (28.5mm) thick.

$21.00 10 Deck Vertical Flat Pack


Card Tray 2.43 X 3.62 X 0.75, 2 Deck, Two Level, Flat Pack (61.8mm X 92.0mm X 19.0mm)

A tray for 2 decks of cards, two levels. The card deck space is 0.75" (19.0mm) tall.

$7.00 10 Deck Vertical Flat Pack


Card Tray 2.43 X 3.62 X 0.75, 10 Deck, Two Level, Flat Pack (61.8mm X 92.0mm X 19.0mm)

A tray for 10 decks of cards, two levels. The card deck space is 0.75" (19.0mm) tall.

$15.00 Similar to PD-11036


Card Tray 2.43 X 3.62 X 0.75 (1.25 Top Tier), 18 Deck, Flat Pack (61.8mm X 92.0mm X 19.0mm) ( top tier 1.25" 31.7mm)

A tray for 18 decks of cards, three levels with spaces that are 2.43" X 3.62" X 0.75". The card deck space on the bottom two tiers are 0.75" (19.0mm) tall, the top tier is 1.25" tall (19.7mm).

$35.00 18 Deck Card Tray Flat Pack


Card Tray 2.43 X 3.62 X 0.75 (1.25 Top Tier), 20 Deck, Flat Pack (61.8mm X 92.0mm X 19.0mm) ( top tier 1.25" 31.7mm)

A tray for 20 decks of cards, four levels. The card deck space is 0.75" (19.0mm) tall, the top tier is 1.25" tall (19.7mm).

$40.00 18 Deck Card Tray Flat Pack

2.60" X 3.62" (66mm X 92mm) Card Trays

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Card Tray 2.60 X 3.62 X 0.75, 2 Deck, Two Level, Flat Pack (66mm X 92mm X 19.0mm)

A tray for 2 decks of cards, two levels. The card deck space is 0.75" (19.0mm) tall.

$7.00 10 Deck Tray


Card Tray 2.60 X 3.62 X 0.75, 10 Deck, Two Level, Flat Pack (66mm X 92mm X 19.0mm)

A tray for 10 decks of cards, two levels. The card deck space is 0.75" (19.0mm) tall.

$17.00 10 Deck Tray


Card Tray 2.60 X 3.62 X 0.75, 1 Deck, Flat Pack (66mm X 92mm X 19.0mm)

A tray for 1 deck of cards. The card deck space is 0.75" (19.0mm) tall.

$5.00 10 Deck Tray


Card Tray 2.60 X 3.62 X 0.75, 2 Deck, Flat Pack (66mm X 92mm X 19.0mm)

A tray for 2 decks of cards. The card deck space is 0.75" (19.0mm) tall.

$6.00 10 Deck Tray


Card Tray 2.60 X 3.62 X 1.25, 2 Deck, Flat Pack (66mm X 92mm X 31.7mm)

A tray for 2 decks of cards in . The card deck space is 0.75" (31.7mm) tall.

$6.00 10 Deck Tray


Card Tray 2.60 X 3.62 X 0.75, 3 Deck, Flat Pack (66mm X 92mm X 19.0mm)

A tray for 3 decks of cards. The card deck space is 0.75" (19.0mm) tall.

$7.00 10 Deck Tray


Card Tray 2.60 X 3.62 X 1.25, 3 Deck, Flat Pack (66mm X 92mm X 31.7mm)

A tray for 3 decks of cards in. The card deck space is 1.25" (31.7mm) tall.

$7.00 10 Deck Tray


Card Tray 2.60 X 3.62 X 0.75, 3 Deck, Landscape, Flat Pack (66mm X 92mm X 19.0mm)

A tray for 3 decks of cards in landscape orientation. The card deck space is 0.75" (19.0mm) tall.

$7.00 10 Deck Tray


Card Tray 2.60 X 3.62 X 0.75, 4 Deck, Flat Pack (66mm X 92mm X 19.0mm)

A tray for 4 decks of cards. The card deck space is 0.75" (19.0mm) tall.

$8.00 10 Deck Tray


Card Tray 2.60 X 3.62 X 0.75, 5 Deck, Flat Pack (66mm X 92mm X 19.0mm)

A tray for 5 decks of cards. The card deck space is 0.75" (19.0mm) tall.

$9.00 5 Deck Tray


Card Tray 2.60 X 3.62 X 1.25, 5 Deck, Flat Pack (66mm X 92mm X 31.75mm)

A tray for 5 decks of cards. The card deck space is 1.25" (31.75mm) tall.

$11.00 5 Deck Tray


Card Tray 2.60 X 3.62 X 1.125, 9 Deck, Vertical, Landscape, Discard, Flat Pack (66mm X 92mm X 28.5mm)

A tray for 9 decks of cards held vertical and landscape with discard spaces behind each deck. The card deck space is 1.125" (28.5mm) deep.

$34.00 10 Deck Tray


Card Tray 2.60 X 3.62 X 1.125, 2 Deck, Vertical, Discard, Flat Pack (66mm X 92mm X 28.5mm)

A tray for 2 decks of cards held vertical with discard spaces behind each deck. The card deck space is 1.125" (28.5mm) deep.

$11.00 10 Deck Tray


Card Tray 2.60 X 3.62 X 1.125, 3 Deck, Vertical, Discard, Flat Pack (66mm X 92mm X 28.5mm)

A tray for 3 decks of cards held vertical with discard spaces behind each deck. The card deck space is 1.125" (28.5mm) deep.

$14.00 10 Deck Tray


Card Tray 2.60 X 3.62 X 1.125, 4 Deck, Vertical, Discard, Flat Pack (66mm X 92mm X 28.5mm)

A tray for 4 decks of cards held vertical with discard spaces behind each deck. The card deck space is 1.125" (28.5mm) deep.

$17.00 10 Deck Tray


Card Tray 2.60 X 3.62 X 1.125, 6 Deck, Vertical, Discard, Flat Pack (66mm X 92mm X 28.5mm)

A tray for 6 decks of cards held vertical with discard spaces behind each deck. The card deck space is 1.125" (28.5mm) deep.

$26.00 10 Deck Tray


Card Tray 2.60 X 3.62 X 1.125, 7 Deck, Vertical, Discard, Flat Pack (66mm X 92mm X 28.5mm)

A tray for 7 decks of cards held vertical with discard spaces behind each deck. The card deck space is 1.125" (28.5mm) deep.

$26.00 7 Deck Tray


Card Tray 2.60 X 3.62 X 1.125, 8 Deck, Vertical, Discard, Flat Pack (66mm X 92mm X 28.5mm)

A tray for 8 decks of cards held vertical with discard spaces behind each deck. The card deck space is 1.125" (28.5mm) deep.

$32.00 10 Deck Tray


Card Tray 2.60 X 3.62 X 1.125, 14 Deck, Vertical, Discard, Flat Pack (66mm X 92mm X 28.5mm)

A tray for 14 decks of cards held vertical with discard spaces behind each deck. The card deck space is 1.125" (28.5mm) deep.

$42.00 10 Deck Tray


Card Tray 2.60 X 3.62 X 4 & 7, 2 Deck, Flat Pack (66mm X 92mm X 101.3 & 177.8)

A tray for 2 decks of cards. The card deck space is 4" and 7" (101.3mm and 177.8mm) tall. This is really designed as a large deck space and a smaller discard space.



Card Tray 2.60 X 3.62 X 4, 2 Deck, Flat Pack (66mm X 92mm X 101.3)

A tray for 2 decks of cards. The card deck space is 4" (101.3mm) tall.



Card Tray 2.60 X 3.62 X 0.75, 14 Deck, Flat Pack (66mm X 92mm X 19mm)

A tray for 14 decks of cards. The card deck space is 0.75" (19mm) tall.



Card Tray 2.60 X 3.62 X 0.75, 20 Deck, Flat Pack (66mm X 92mm X 19mm)

A tray for 20 decks of cards. The card deck space is 0.75" (19mm) tall.



Card Tray 2.60 X 3.62 X 4, 8 Deck, Flat Pack, Two Level, Back to Back, Top Discard 3.00 (66mm X 92mm X 101.3 and 76.2mm)

A tray for 8 decks of cards. The card deck space is 4" (101.3mm) tall. They are back to back, with second level discard above the center four decks that are 3" (76.2mm) tall.

NOTE: This tray was built on request for use with Card Against Humanity © Cards Against Humanity LLC


2.6" X 4.3" (66.6mm X 109.2mm) Card Trays

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Card Tray 2.6" X 4.3" X 0.75", 4 Deck, Flat Pack (66.6mm X 109.2mm X 19mm)

A tray for 4 decks of cards. The card deck space is 0.75" (19.0mm) tall.


2.625" X 3.563" (66.6mm X 90mm) Card Trays

A standard Poker Deck is 2.5" X 3.5", they would fit in these trays.

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Card Tray 2.625" X 3.563" X 0.75", 2 Deck, Kit,  (66.6mm X 90mm X 19mm)

A tray kit for 2 decks of cards with spaces that are 2.625" X 3.563" by 0.750" (19mm) tall, a standard Poker Deck. Assembly required, recommended tools to assemble the trays; hobby knife, sand paper and glue. Cards not included.

NOTE: The card trays shown have custom engraving on the sides of the trays. Custom engraving is extra.

This is an old design, I would recommend PD-11212 Card Tray 2.60 X 3.62 X 0.75, 2 Deck, Flat Pack (66mm X 92mm X 19.0mm) instead.



Card Tray 2.625" X 3.563", 3 Deck, Kit,  (66.6mm X 90mm X 19mm)

A tray kit for 3 decks of cards with spaces that are 2.625" X 3.563" by 0.750" (19mm) tall, a standard poker deck. Assembly required, recommended tools to assemble the trays; hobby knife, sand paper and glue. Cards not included.

NOTE: The card trays shown have custom engraving on the sides of the trays. Custom engraving is extra.

This is an old design, I would recommend PD-11213 Card Tray 2.60 X 3.62 X 0.75, 3 Deck, Flat Pack (66mm X 92mm X 19.0mm) instead.


2.680" X 3.63" (68mm X 92mm) Card Trays

A standard Poker Deck is 2.5" X 3.5", they would fit in these trays.

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Card Tray 2.68" X 3.63" X 1.58", 3 Deck, Kit, (68mm X 92mm X 40mm)

A tray kit for 3 decks of cards with spaces that are 2.68" X 3.63" by 1.58" (40mm) tall. Assembly required, recommended tools to assemble the trays; hobby knife, sand paper and glue.



Card Tray 2.68" X 3.63" X 1.25", 5 Deck, Flat Pack, (68mm X 92mm X 31.75mm)

A tray for 5 decks of cards with spaces that are 2.68" X 3.63" by 1.25" tall. 



Card Tray2.68" X 3.63" X 1.58", 1 Deck, Kit,  (68mm X 92mm X 40mm)

A tray kit for 1 deck of cards with spaces that are 2.68" X 3.63" by 1.58" (40mm) tall. Assembly required, recommended tools to assemble the trays; hobby knife, sand paper and glue.



Card Tray 2.68" X 3.63" X 4", 2 Deck, Flat Pack, (68mm X 92mm X 101.6mm)

A tray for 2 decks of cards with spaces that are 2.68" X 3.63" by 4" tall.


2.75" X 3.75" (69.8mm X 95.2mm) Card Trays

A standard Poker Deck is 2.5" X 3.5", they would fit in these trays.

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Card Tray 2.75" X 3.75" X 0.75" 12 Deck, Two Levels, Flat Pack (69.8mm X 95.2mm X 19.0mm)

A tray for 12 decks of cards, two levels with spaces that are 2.75" X 3.75" X 0.75" tall. They fit a standard poker deck with 1/8" (0.125") around them on all sides.



Card Tray 2.75" X 3.75" X 0.750" 18 Deck, 3 Levels, Flat Pack (69.8mm X 95.2mm X 19.0mm) ( top tier 1.25"  31.7mm)

A tray for 18 decks of cards, three levels with spaces that are 2.75" X 3.75" X 0.75" (top tier 1.25" 31.7mm) tall. They fit a standard poker deck with 1/8" (0.125") around them on all sides.

The only difference between the PD-11205 and the PD-11219 is the offset of the bottom row the middle row. See the end images to the right.



Card Tray 2.75" X 3.75" X 0.75" 18 Deck Kit, 3 Levels, Flat Pack (69.8mm X 95.2mm X 19.0mm) ( top tier 1.25" 31.7mm)

A tray for 18 decks of cards, three levels with spaces that are 2.75" X 3.75" X 0.75" (top tier 1.25" 31.7mm) tall. The bottom row is a discard row (not offset from the row above). They fit a standard poker deck with 1/8" (0.125") around them on all sides.

The only difference between the PD-11205 and the PD-11219 is the offset of the bottom row the middle row. See the end images to the right.



Card Tray 2.75" X 3.75" X 0.75" 18 Deck, 3 Levels, Flat Pack(69.8mm X 95.2mm X 19mm) ( top tier 2.0" 50.8mm)

A tray for 18 decks of cards, three levels with spaces that are 2.75" X 3.75" X 0.75" (top tier 2.0" 50.8mm) tall. They fit a standard poker deck with 1/8" (0.125") around them on all sides.

The only difference between the PD-11205 and the PD-11224 is the height of the top tier. See the end images to the right.



Card Tray 2.75" X 3.75" X 1.00" 1 Deck, Flat Pack (69.8mm X 95.2mm X 25.4mm)

A tray for 1 deck of cards with spaces that are 2.75" X 3.75" X 1.0" tall. They fit a standard poker deck with 1/8" (0.125") around them on all sides.



Card Tray 2.75" X 3.75" X 1.25" 1 Deck, Flat Pack (69.8mm X 95.2mm X 31.75mm)

A tray for 1 deck of cards with spaces that are 2.75" X 3.75" X 1.25" tall. They fit a standard poker deck with 1/8" (0.125") around them on all sides.

NOTE: This tray is flat, the normal trays have a slight angle to the bottom to help keep the cards in the tray, the bottom of this tray is flat.



Card Tray 2.75" X 3.75" X 2.55" 1 Deck, Flat Pack (69.8mm X 95.2mm X 64.75mm)

A tray for 1 deck of cards with spaces that are 2.75" X 3.75" (69.8mm X 95.2mm) by 2.55" (64.75mm) tall. They fit a standard poker deck with 1/8" (0.125") around them on all sides.

NOTE: This tray is flat, the normal trays have a slight angle to the bottom to help keep the cards in the tray, the bottom of this tray is flat.



Card Tray 2.75" X 3.75" X 2.00", 2 Deck, Flat Pack (69.8mm X 95.2mm X 50.8mm)

A tray for 2 decks of cards with spaces that are 2.75" X 3.75" X 2.0" tall. They fit a standard poker deck with 1/8" (0.125") around them on all sides.



Card Tray 2.75" X 3.75" X 1.75", 2 Deck, Two Level Flat Pack (69.8mm X 95.2mm X 44.7mm)

A tray for 2 decks of cards, two levels. The spaces are 2.75" X 3.75" X 1.75" tall. They fit a standard poker deck with 1/8" (0.125") around them on all sides.



Card Tray 2.75 X 3.75 X 1.75, 4 Deck, Two Level, Flat Pack (69.8mm X 95.2mm X 44.7mm)

A tray for 4 decks of cards, two levels. The spaces are 2.75" X 3.75" X 1.75" tall. They fit a standard poker deck with 1/8" (0.125") around them on all sides.



Card Tray 2.75 X 3.75 X 1.25 (1.75), 20 Deck, Four Level,
Vertical, Flat Pack (69.8mm X 95.2mm X 31.75mm (44.45mm)

A tray for 20 decks of cards standing vertically, in four levels. The spaces are 2.75" X 3.75" The first row is for decks that are 1.75" tall. Rows two to four are 1.25" tall. The top 1.25" of each deck is visible. They fit a standard poker deck with 1/8" (0.125") around them on all sides.

This is essentially the same as PD-11249. PD-11249 has more of each card exposed in each row.



Card Tray 2.75 X 3.75 X 1.00 (1.75), 20 Deck, Four Level, Vertical, Flat Pack (69.8mm X 95.2mm X 25.4mm (44.45mm))

A tray for 20 decks of cards standing vertically, in four levels. The spaces are 2.75" X 3.75", The first row is for decks that are 1.75" tall. Rows two to four are 1.00: (25.4mm) tall. The top 1.75" of the deck is visible. They fit a standard poker deck with 1/8" (0.125") around them on all sides.

This is essentially the same as PD11248. PD-11249 has more of each card exposed in each row.


2.86" X 3.70" (72.6mm X 94.0mm) Card Trays

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Card Tray 2.86" X 3.70" X 4.00" 5 Deck, Flat Pack (72.6mm X 94.0mm) X 101.6mm)

A tray for 5 decks of cards. The card deck space is 4.00" tall (101.6mm).


2.875" X 4.000" (73.0mm X 101.6mm) Card Trays

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Card Tray 2.875 X 4.00 X 1.00, 16 Deck, Vertical, Flat Pack (73.0mm X 101.6mm X 25.4mm)

A card Tray for 16 Decks of cards standing vertically. The card deck spaces are 1" (25.4mm).



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Shadows of Brimstone Tray 1 Kit

  • The first 5 rows are 3 columns wide. Each slot is 2.875” wide X 3.75" Tall
  • The 6th row is for Medium cards - Landscape (Hero and/or town cards). The slot is 8.875" wide X 6.625" tall/ 
  • The 7th row is for Large cards. The slot is 8.875" wide X 9.5" tall.
  • The 8th row is for Instruction Booklets. The slots is 8.875" wide 10.5" tall.
Shadows of Brimstone Card Trays


Shadows of Brimstone Tray 2 Kit

  • The first 4 rows are two columns wide. Each slot is 2.875” wide X 3.75" tall.
  • The 5th row is for Medium cards - Vertical (Monster cards). The slot is 5.875” wide 8.125" tall.
Shadows of Brimstone Card Trays


Shadows of Brimstone Tray Kit Set

This set includes two kits, one each of PD-11721 and PD-11272

Shadows of Brimstone Card Trays

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Spin Counters

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Part Number Title and Description Price Image


Brain Spin Counter (one)

A single Brain Spin Counter. Counts from Zero to 20 with a circle around 13.

The Brains zero to 20 counter is also available with the word "Brains" replaced with "Health" without the circle around the 13.

$2.00 Brains Spin Counter (Single)


Brain Spin Counter (Set of six)

A set of six Brain Spin Counters (PD-11010). Counts from Zero to 20 with a circle around 13.

The Brains zero to 20 counter is also available with the word "Brains" replaced with "Health" without the circle around the 13.

$10.00 Brains Spin Counter set of 6


0 to 10 Spin Counter (one)

A single 0 to 10 Spin Counter

$2.00 00 to 10 Spin Counter (Single)


0 to 10 Spin Counter (set of six)

A set of six 0 to 10 Spin Counter

$10.00 00 to 10 Spin Counter (Single)


0 to 99 Spin Counter (one)

A single 0 to 99 Spin Counter

$3.50 00 to 99 Spin Counter (Single)


0 to 99 Spin Counter (Set of six)

A set of six 0 to 99 Spin Counter

$17.50 00 to 99 Spin Counter (Six)


0 to 99 Spin Counter Dual Wheel (one)

A single 0 to 99 Spin Counter, Dual Wheel

$4.00 00 to 99 Spin Counter (Single)


0 to 99 Spin Counter Dual Wheel (Set of six)

A set of six 0 to 99 Spin Counter, Dual Wheel

$20.00 00 to 99 Spin Counter (Single)


0 to 99 Spin Counter Dual Wheel 5 in 1

A set of five 0 to 99 Spin Counter, Dual Wheel all in one piece. Perfect for tracking 5 things all at the same time, like monster hit points.

$18.00 00 to 99 Spin Counter (Single)


0 to 999 Spin Counter (one)

A single 0 to 999 Spin Counter.

$6.00 Spin Counter Zero to 999 (Single)


0 to 999 Spin Counter (set of 6)

A set of six, 0 to 999 Spin Counters.

$30.00 Spin Counter Zero to 999 (6 Count)


Earthling Spin Counter (one)

A single Earthling Spin Counter. Counts from zero to 30.

Available with the word "Earthlings" replaced with "Samples" or "Specimens".

$2.00 Eathlings Spin Counter (Single)


Earthling Spin Counter (Set of six)

A set of six Earthling Spin Counter

Available with the word "Earthlings" replaced with "Samples" or "Specimens".

$10.00 Earthlings Spin Counter (Single)

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Card and Dice Boards

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Part Number Title and Description Price Image


Quarriors Accessory Board

Includes 4 piece board that holds 14 cards and dice sets.

$40 Brains Spin Counter (Single)


Score Card 1 to 20

The board is desinged to hold up to four scoring cubes on each number.

$10 Brains Spin Counter set of 6


Quarriors Accessory Board and Score Card

Includes 4 piece board that holds 14 cards and dice sets and a score card.


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Bases and Bits

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Part Number Title and Description Price Image


Round (Coins)

Round bases or bits.
Quote for custom sizes are available upon request.
Quantity discounts available.

0.50" $0.08
0.75" $0.10
1.00" $0.15
1.25" $0.18
1.50" $0.20
2.00" $0.24
2.50" $0.30
3.00" $0.40
Round Bases and Bits



Oblong bases or bits.
Quote for custom sizes are available upon request.
Quantity discounts available.

0.75"X1.5" $0.18
1.0"X2.0" $
1.5"X3.0" $0.35
Oblong bases or bits



Oval bases or bits.
Quote for custom sizes are available upon request.
Quantity discounts available.

1.0"X2.0" $0.22 Oval bases or bits



Hex bases or bits.
Hexes are measured across the flats from one side to the opposite side.

1.0" Hex
$0.11 each
10 or more $0.10 each
Hex bases or bits


Square and Rectangle

Square and Rectangle bases and bits.

$ Square and Rectangle Bases and Bits



Odd shapes and sizes.

Price Varies Odd shapes and sized Bases and Bits


HeartsMiscellaneous - Hearts

Hearts (18) red acrylic, perfect for use with AEG Love Letter .

$2.00 Hearts


Miscellaneous - Ladders

Ladder cut from 1/8" Baltic Birch. Two piece ladders, upper and lower section. Set of 4 ladders, 8 pieces.

$?.?? Hearts



Custom engraving on bases and bits.

Price Varies Custom engraving on bases and bits


3D Smoke

There are three different "top" and three different "bottom" pieces. With three different tops and bottoms there are 9 different possible combinations. 3D Smoke tokens come as parts, assemble and gluing is required.

The lower image shows the 6 individual shapes. Acrylic comes with a protective paper on it. Parts ship with the protective paper on them.

There is a minimum order of three tokens.

PD-11073 set of 36

$0.65 Each
36 for $21.00
3D Smoke Tokens 3D Smoke Tokens Parts


3D Fire

There are three different "top" and three different "bottom" pieces in three different colors each. This makes a total of 81 different possible combinations. 3D Fire tokens come as parts, assemble and gluing is required.

The lower image shows the 6 individual shapes. Acrylic comes with a protective paper on it. Parts ship with the protective paper on them.

There is a minimum order of three tokens of any one color.

PD-11071 set of 36

$0.90 Each
36 for $29.00
3D Fire Tokens 3D Fire Tokens Parts


3D Smoke and Fire

A set of 36 Smoke and 36 Fire 3D tokens.

Three different "top" and three different "bottom" parts for the Smoke.

There are three different "top" shapes and three different "bottom" shapes for the Fire, each in three different colors for a total of nine different "top" and nine different "bottom" pieces.

72 total tokens, 36 smoke and 36 Fire for $48.00 3D Smoke Tokens 3D Fire Tokens


Lightning Bolt Tokens

A set of 50 Lightning Bolt tokens. Each token is approximately 1" long.

The grid in the picture to the right is 1".

$10.00 Token Lightning Bolt


Hex Set for Pocket CIV

A set of hex tokens for Pocket CIV. Cut from 1/8" Baltic Birch Plywood. The hexes measure 1.5 inches across the flats. This token set comes in raw wood ready for you to paint.

$14.00 Pictures coming...

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Dice Tower

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Part Number Title and Description Price Image


Flat Pack Dice Tower

Flat Pack Dice Towers come apart and lay flat for storage and transport.

$20 Flat Pack Dice Tower
Flat Pack Dice Tower


Flat Pack Dice Tower with Custom Engraving

Flat Pack Dice Towers come apart and lay flat for storage and transport. Includes custom engraving. Price is for laser ready art. IF your art is not laser ready, an art prep fee might apply.

$26 Flat Pack Dice Tower


Custom Dice Tower

Dice Tower cutting and assembly.

$50 Flat Pack Dice Tower

Art Prep

Custom Dice Tower Artwork Prep

Give me your cutom art and I will prepare it for Laser Engraving. Art needs to be converted to black and white, not gray scale but true two color black and white.

$30 - $60

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Custom Dice

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Part Number Title and Description Price Image


Custom Dice 16mm

One (1)  to five (5) 16mm Die custom engraved

$4.00 each Dice


Custom Dice 16mm

Six (6) 16mm Dice all the same ($2.00 each)

Must be ordered in sets of 6

$4 for each additional die up to eleven (11)

$12.00 Dice


Custom Dice 16mm

Twelve (12) 16mm Dice all the same ($1.75 each)

Must be ordered in sets of 6

$4 for each additional die up to seventeen (17)

$21.00 Dice


Custom Dice 16mm

Eighteen (18) 16mm Dice all the same ($1.50 each)

Must be ordered in sets of 6 up to 30.

  • 18 = $27
  • 24 = $36
  • 30 = $45

$4 for each additional single die not in a set of 6

$27.00 Dice


Custom Dice 16mm

Thirty-six (36) or more 16mm Dice all the same ($1.25 each)

Must be ordered in sets of 6

$4 for each additional die up to five (5) or $7.50  for each additional set of six (6) dice.

$45.00 Dice


Custom Dice and Dagger Dice 16mm

This is a set of eleven (11) 16mm dice for the General Nonosense Games game Dice and Daggers.

$19.25 Dice


Custom Dice and Dagger Set

This is a set of eleven (11) 16mm dice and a Dice Box Kit for the General Nonosense Games game Dice and Daggers.

$22.00 Dice


Custom Dice Set Compatible with Star Wars: The Queen's Gambit

This is a set of fourteen (14) 16mm dice that are compatile with the board game Star Wars: The Queen's Gambit (© Avalon Hill).

The dice come un-painted. For information on how to paint dice see my FAQ page on Fill Paiting Dice and Tokens.

$20.00 Dice


Custom Dice

  • One (1)  to five (5) 1" Wooden Cubes (dice) custom engraved. $9.00 each
  • Six (6) 1" Wooden Cubes (dice) custom engraved all the same ($4.50 each) $27
  • Tweleve (12) 1" Wooden Cubes (dice) custom engraved all the same ($4.00 each) $48
  • Eighteen (18) 1" Wooden Cubes (dice) custom engraved all the same ($3.50 each) $63
  • Thirtysix (36) 1" Wooden Cubes (dice) custom engraved all the same ($3.00 each) $108

Must be ordered in sets of 6



Custom Dice 19mm Plastic

  • Available in Red, White, and Green
  • PD-11111 One (1) to five (5) 19mm Plastic (dice) custom engraved. $5.50 each
  • PD-11112 Six (6) 19mm Plastic (dice) custom engraved all the same ($2.85 each) $17.10
  • PD-11113 Tweleve (12) 19mm Plastic (dice) custom engraved all the same ($2.40 each) $28.80
  • PD-11114 Eighteen (18) 19mm Plastic (dice) custom engraved all the same ($2.10 each) $37.80
  • PD-11115 Thirty six (36) 19mm Plastic (dice) custom engraved all the same ($1.75 each) $63.00

Must be ordered in sets of 6


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Custom Boxes, Inserts and Dividers

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Part Number Title and Description Price Image


Start Player Box Kit

This is a kit to make a box to hold the game Start Player (Start Player Game NOT include). You will need sand paper (150 grit or finer) and glue to assemble the box. Small clamps are very helpful too.


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Flash Point Accessories Price List

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Part Number Title and Description Price Image


Flash Point Custom Player Aids for the Nine Roles in the Base Game

Custom Player Aid for the nine roles in the base game;

  • Hazmat Technician
  • Fire Captain
  • Structural Engineer
  • Driver / Operator
  • Paramedic
  • CAFS Firefighter
  • Generalist
  • Rescue Specialist
  • Imaging Technician

Flash Point Player AP Slider


Flash Point Custom Player Aids for Dog and Veteran Role

Custom Player Aid for

  • Rescue Dog
  • Veteran

Note: Veteran is spelled wrong in the image, I have fix this in the files. A new image is coming.


Flash Point Player AP Slider


Flash Point Custom Player Aids for Fire Prevention Specialist Role

Custom Player Aids for

  • Fire Prevention Specialist

Flash Point Player AP Slider


Flash Point Custom Player Aids for Strategist & Suppression Specialist Roles

Custom Player Aids

  • Strategist
  • Suppression Specialist

Flash Point Player AP Slider


Score Tracker

Score Tracker to hold the saved and lost Point of Interest Markers (POI). The tracker has ten round holes to hold the POI Markers. There are six holes for saved, 3 holes for lost and one hole for

Trackers are supplied in raw wood. The tracker show has an oil finish.

$7.00 Score Tracker with Tokens


3D Smoke and Fire

A set of 36 acrylic Smoke and 36 acrylic Fire 3D tokens. Acrylic comes with a protective paper on it. Parts ship with the protective paper on them.

Three different "top" and three different "bottom" parts for the Smoke. All in one a translucent white.

There are three different "top" shapes and three different "bottom" shapes for the Fire, each in three different translucent colors for a total of nine different "top" and nine different "bottom" pieces.

72 total tokens, 36 smoke and 36 Fire for $48.00

3D Smoke Tokens 3D Smoke Token 3D Fire Tokens 3D Fire Token


Custom Ladders

Ladder cut from 1/8" Baltic Birch. Two piece ladders, upper and lower section. Set of 4 ladders, 8 pieces.


Ladder Token


Custom Air Supply Expansion

A set of six air tank boards and sixty round tokens. Enough for 6 players.

$26.00 Flash Point Custom Air Tank Expansion


Point of Interest Tokens

A set of three 1" diameter wooden Point of Interest tokens.

$2.00 Flash Point Custom Air Tank Expansion


Hot Spot Tokens

A set of twelve 1.85" square acrylic Hot Spot Tokens.

The tokens come engraved, but not color filled. It is easy to do and I explain how to on this page. Fill Painting Dice and Tokens.

$10.00 Flash Point Custom Air Tank Expansion


Custom Open Window Tokens

Open Window Tokens cut from 1/8" Baltic Birch. Set of 12.


Open Window Token


Flash Point Bundle

You love it and you want it all. I offer a discount if you get it all.

  1. Custom Player Aids for each Role,
    1. Hazmat Technician
    2. Fire Captain
    3. Structural Engineer
    4. Driver / Operator
    5. Paramedic
    6. CAFS Firefighter
    7. Generalist
    8. Rescue Specialist
    9. Imaging Technician
    10. Rescue Dog
    11. Veteran
    12. Fire Prevention Specialist Roles
    13. Strategist
    14. Suppression Specialist
  2. Score Tracker
  3. 3D Smoke (36)
  4. 3D Fire (36)
  5. Custom Ladders (4)
  6. Custom Open Windows (12)
  7. Custom Air Supply Expansion
  8. Point of Interest Markers (3)
  9. Hot Spot Tokens (12)

Flash Point Bundle

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Survive Escape from Atlantis! Custom Expansion Kit Price List

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Part Number Title and Description Price Image


Survive Escape from Atlantis! Custom Expansion Kit.

This is a kit. The token need to be assembled and painted. The Acrylic hexes need to have the small center hex painted.

  • Token Kit, Life Ring, to build 12 units, Wood
  • Tokens Kit, to make 2 Mermaids, Wood
  • Tokens Kit, to make 1 Cthulhu, Wood
  • Token Hex 1.73 Flats (44mm), 6 units, Transparent Red Acrylic
  • Custom Dice, 16mm Blue, custom engraved, 6 dice


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Eldritch Horror Monster Tray Price List

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Part Number Title and Description Price Image


Tray Eldritch Horror Monster Tokens, Bottom

Tray Eldritch Horror Monster Tokens, Bottom



Tray Eldritch Horror Monster Tokens, Top

Tray Eldritch Horror Monster Tokens, Top


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Prototype Model Train Accessories

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Train Electronics

Part Number Title and Description Price Image

Train Electronics


Turnout Switch Control Board, (1 to 5)

Only need one or two, this is the way to buy them.
If you are need 4 or more, save money and get 6 (PD-21028).

Specify 0.14" or 0.19" contact spacing.

DPDT Switch no wires

Mini switch NOT included.

$1.25 each Switch PC Board


Turnout Switch Control Board, (6 to 11)

If you need 6 to 11 this is the right part number.
If you are buying 9 or more, save money and get 12 (PD-21029) for the same price.

Specify 0.14" or 0.19" contact spacing.

DPDT Switch no wires

Mini switch NOT included.

$0.75 each Switch PC Board


Turnout Switch Control Board, (12 or more)

Buying 12 or more, this is the best price.

Specify 0.14" or 0.19" contact spacing.

DPDT Switch no wires

Mini switch NOT included.

$0.50 each Switch PC Board


Turnout Switch Control Board, with Lockout (1 to 5)

Only need one or two, this is the way to buy them.
If you are need 4 or more, save money and get 6 (PD-21041).

  • Lockout switch is included
  • Turnout control switch NOT included

Specify 0.14" or 0.19" contact spacing.

DPDT Switch no wires

$3.50 each Switch PC Board


Turnout Switch Control Board, with Lockout (6 to 11)

If you need 6 to 11 this is the right part number.
If you are buying 9 or more, save money and get 12 (PD-21042) for the same price.

  • Lockout switch is included
  • Turnout control switch NOT included

Specify 0.14" or 0.19" contact spacing.

DPDT Switch no wires

$2.10 each Switch PC Board


Turnout Switch Control Board, with Lockout (12 or more)

Buying 12 or more, this is the best price.

  • Lockout switch is included
  • Turnout control switch NOT included

Specify 0.14" or 0.19" contact spacing.

DPDT Switch no wires

$1.40 each Switch PC Board


Turnout Switch Control Board and DTDP Mini Toggle Switch (1 to 5)


  • Switch Board
  • Turnout control DPDT Mini Toggle Switch On-On
$7.50 each Switch PC Board


Turnout Switch Control Board and DTDP Mini Toggle Switch (6 to 11)


  • Switch Board
  • Turnout control DPDT Mini Toggle Switch On-On
$4.40 each Switch PC Board


Turnout Switch Control Board and DTDP Mini Toggle Switch (12 or more)

Buying 12 or more, this is the best price.


  • Switch Board
  • Turnout control DPDT Mini Toggle Switch On-On
$3.00 each Switch PC Board


Turnout Switch Control Board and DTDP Mini Push-Button Switch (1 to 5)


  • Switch Board
  • Turnout control DPDT Mini Push-Button Switch, Push-On Push-Off

NOTE: The button is now black not red.

My source for latching DPDT Pushbutton Switches closed. I cannot find a resonable price from another source, if you know of one please let me know.

$28.00 each Switch PC Board


Turnout Switch Control Board and DTDP Mini Push-Button Switch (6 to 11)


  • Switch Board
  • Turnout control DPDT Mini Push-Button Switch, Push-On Push-Off

NOTE: The button is now black not red.

My source for latching DPDT Pushbutton Switches closed. I cannot find a resonable price from another source, if you know of one please let me know.

$16.00 each Switch PC Board


Turnout Switch Control Board and DTDP Mini Push-Button Switch (12 or more)

Buying 12 or more, this is the best price.


  • Switch Board
  • Turnout control DPDT Mini Push-Button Switch, Push-On Push-Off

NOTE: The button is now black not red.

My source for latching DPDT Pushbutton Switches closed. I cannot find a resonable price from another source, if you know of one please let me know.

$10.00 each Switch PC Board


Turnout Switch Control Board, with Lockout and DTDP Mini Toggle Switch (1 to 5)


  • Switch Board
  • Turnout control DPDT Mini Toggle Switch On-On
  • Lockout switch
$10.25 each Switch PC Board


Turnout Switch Control Board, with Lockout and DTDP Mini Toggle Switch (6 to 11)


  • Switch Board
  • Turnout control DPDT Mini Toggle Switch On-On
  • Lockout switch
$6.10 each Switch PC Board


Turnout Switch Control Board, with Lockout and DTDP Mini Toggle Switch (12 or more)


  • Switch Board
  • Turnout control DPDT Mini Toggle Switch On-On
  • Lockout switch
$4.10 each Switch PC Board


Turnout Switch Control Board, with Lockout and DTDP Mini Push-Button Switch (1 to 5)


  • Switch Board
  • Turnout control DPDT Mini Push-Button Switch, Push-On Push-Off
  • Lockout switch

NOTE: The button is now black not red.

My source for latching DPDT Pushbutton Switches closed. I cannot find a resonable price from another source, if you know of one please let me know.

$28.00 each Switch PC Board


Turnout Switch Control Board, with Lockout and DTDP Mini Push-Button Switch (6 to 11)


  • Switch Board
  • Turnout control DPDT Mini Push-Button Switch, Push-On Push-Off
  • Lockout switch

NOTE: The button is now black not red.

My source for latching DPDT Pushbutton Switches closed. I cannot find a resonable price from another source, if you know of one please let me know.

$16.00 each Switch PC Board


Turnout Switch Control Board, with Lockout and DTDP Mini Push-Button Switch (12 or more)

Buying 12 or more, this is the best price.


  • Switch Board
  • Turnout control DPDT Mini Push-Button Switch, Push-On Push-Off
  • Lockout switch

NOTE: The button is now black not red.

My source for latching DPDT Pushbutton Switches closed. I cannot find a resonable price from another source, if you know of one please let me know.

$10.00 each Switch PC Board

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Leg Pockets

Part Number Title and Description Price Image

Leg Mounts


Free-mo Leg Pocket Set, one pair, kit.

Two Leg Pockets, enough for one end of a module. Bolt and leg not included.

$15.00 pair Leg Pocket

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Rail Joint Bars

Part Number Title and Description Price Image

HO Scale Joint Bars


HO Scale Joint Bars

These Joint Bars have bolt head details on them. These Joint Bars are cosmetic only, they cannot be used to join rail.

Code 100

  • PD-110000 - Joint Bars HO Code 100 22in 4 hole C Channel (144 pieces)
  • PD-110002 - Joint Bars HO Code 100 26in 4 hole L Channel (144 pieces)
  • PD-110004 - Joint Bars HO Code 100 26in 4 Hole Flat (144 pieces)
  • PD-110006 - Joint Bars HO Code 100 36in 6 Hole C Channel (108 pieces)

Code 83

  • PD-110010 - Joint Bars HO Code 83 22in 4 Hole C Channel (144 pieces)
  • PD-110012 - Joint Bars HO Code 83 26in 4 Hole L Channel (144 pieces)
  • PD-110014 - Joint Bars HO Code 83 26in 4 Hole Flat (144 pieces)
  • PD-110016 - Joint Bars HO Code 83 36in 6 Hole C Channel (108 pieces)

Code 70

  • PD-110020 - Joint Bars HO Code 70 22in 4 Hole C Channel (144 pieces)
  • PD-110022 - Joint Bars HO Code 70 26in 4 Hole L Channel (144 pieces)
  • PD-110024 - Joint Bars HO Code 70 26in 4 Hole Flat (144 pieces)
  • PD-110026 - Joint Bars HO Code 70 36in 6 Hole C Channel (108 pieces)

Code 55

  • PD-110030 - Joint Bars HO Code 55 18in 4 Hole Flat (210 pieces)
Price Includes


HO Scale No Bolts Joint Bars

These Joint Bars have holes instead of bolt head detail, these joint bars are intended for your MOW yard pile and track side detail; unless you really like installing scale Nuts, Bolts, and Washers (NBWs). These Joint Bars are cosmetic only, they cannot be used to join rail.

Code 100

  • PD-110001 - Joint Bars HO Code 100 22in 4 Hole C Channel No Bolts (144 pieces)
  • PD-110003 - Joint Bars HO Code 100 26in 4 Hole L Channel No Bolts (144 pieces)
  • PD-110005 - Joint Bars HO Code 100 26in 4 Hole Flat No Bolts (144 pieces)
  • PD-110007 - Joint Bars HO Code 100 36in 6 Hole C Channel No Bolts (108 pieces)

Code 83

  • PD-110011 - Joint Bars HO Code 83 22in 4 Hole C Channel No Bolts (144 pieces)
  • PD-110013 - Joint Bars HO Code 83 26in 4 Hole L Channel No Bolts (144 pieces)
  • PD-110015 - Joint Bars HO Code 83 26in 4 Hole Flat No Bolts (144 pieces)
  • PD-110017 - Joint Bars HO Code 83 36in 6 Hole C Channel No Bolts (108 pieces)

Code 70

  • PD-110021 - Joint Bars HO Code 70 22in 4 Hole C Channel No Bolts (144 pieces)
  • PD-110023 - Joint Bars HO Code 70 26in 4 Hole L Channel No Bolts (144 pieces)
  • PD-110025 - Joint Bars HO Code 70 26in 4 Hole Flat No Bolts (144 pieces)
  • PD-110027 - Joint Bars HO Code 70 36in 6 Hole C Channel No Bolts (108 pieces)

Code 55

  • PD-110031 - Joint Bars HO Code 55 18in 4 Hole Flat No Bolts (210 pieces)
Price Includes


N Scale Joint Bars

These Joint Bars have bolt head details on them. These Joint Bars are cosmetic only, they cannot be used to join rail.

Code 80

  • PD-210000 Joint Bar N Code 80 22in 4 Hole C Channel (208 pieces)
  • PD-210002 Joint Bar N Code 80 26in 4 Hole L Channel (208 pieces)
  • PD-210004 Joint Bar N Code 80 36in 6 Hole C Channel (156 pieces)

Code 40-55

  • PD-210006 Joint Bar N Code 40-55 22in 4 Hole Flat (252 pieces)
  • PD-210007 Joint Bar N Code 40-55 26in 4 Hole Flat (252 pieces)
  • PD-210008 Joint Bar N Code 40-55 36in 6 Hole Flat (210 pieces)


Price Includes


N Scale No Bolts Joint Bars

These Joint Bars have holes instead of bolt head detail, these joint bars are intended for your MOW yard pile and track side detail; unless you really like installing scale Nuts, Bolts, and Washers (NBWs). These Joint Bars are cosmetic only, they cannot be used to join rail.

  • PD-210001 Joint Bar N Code 80 22in 4 Hole C Channel No Bolts (208 pieces)
  • PD-210003 Joint Bar N Code 80 26in 4 Hole L Channel No Bolts (208 pieces)
  • PD-210005 Joint Bar N Code 80 36in 6 Hole C Channel No Bolts (156 pieces)
Price Includes


S Scale Joint Bars

  • Coming ...


O Scale Joint Bars

These Joint Bars have bolt head details on them. These Joint Bars are cosmetic only, they cannot be used to join rail.

Code 100

  • PD-410010 Joint Bars O Code 100 22in 4 Hole C Channel (80 Pieces)
  • PD-410012 Joint Bars O Code 100 26in 4 Hole L Channel (80 Pieces)
  • PD-410014 Joint Bars O Code 100 18in 4 Hole Flat (80 Pieces)
  • PD-410016 Joint Bars O Code 100 26in 4 Hole Flat (80 Pieces)
  • PD-410018 Joint Bars O Code 100 36in 6 Hole C Channel (64 Pieces)

Code 125

  • PD-410000 Joint Bars O Code 125 22in 4 Hole C Channel (80 Pieces)
  • PD-410002 Joint Bars O Code 125 26in 4 Hole L Channel (80 Pieces)
  • PD-410004 Joint Bars O Code 125 18in 4 Hole Flat (80 Pieces)
  • PD-410006 Joint Bars O Code 125 26in 4 Hole Flat (80 Pieces)
  • PD-410008 Joint Bars O Code 125 36in 6 Hole C Channel (64 Pieces)

Code 146

  • PD-410020 Joint Bars O Code 146 22in 4 Hole C Channel (60 Pieces)
  • PD-410028 Joint Bars O Code 146 36in 6 Hole C Channel (64 Pieces)

Code 266

  • PD-410030 Joint Bars O Code 266 (3 Rail) 22in 4 Hole C Channel (96 Pieces)
Price Includes


O Scale No Bolts Joint Bars

These Joint Bars have holes instead of bolt head detail, these joint bars are intended for your MOW yard pile and track side detail; unless you really like installing scale Nuts, Bolts, and Washers (NBWs). These Joint Bars are cosmetic only, they cannot be used to join rail.

Code 100

  • PD-410001 Joint Bars O Code 125 22in 4 hole C Channel No Bolts (80 Pieces)
  • PD-410003 Joint Bars O Code 125 26in 4 Hole L Channel No Bolts (80 Pieces)
  • PD-410005 Joint Bars O Code 125 18in 4 Hole Flat No Bolts (80 Pieces)
  • PD-410007 Joint Bars O Code 125 18in 4 Hole Flat No Bolts (80 Pieces)
  • PD-410009 Joint Bars O Code 125 36in 6 Hole C Channel No Bolts (64 Pieces)

Code 125

  • PD-410011 Joint Bars O Code 100 22in 4 Hole C Channel No Bolts (80 Pieces)
  • PD-410013 Joint Bars O Code 100 26in 4 Hole L Channel No Bolts (80 Pieces)
  • PD-410015 Joint Bars O Code 100 18in 4 Hole Flat No Bolts (80 Pieces)
  • PD-410017 Joint Bars O Code 100 26in 4 Hole Flat No Bolts (80 Pieces)
  • PD-410019 Joint Bars O Code 100 36in 6 Hole C Channel No Bolts (64 Pieces)
Price Includes

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Tie Strips

Part Number Title and Description Price Image


Tie Strips Code 83 Atlas Flex

Desinged to match the tie size and spacing on Atlas Code 83 Flex Track.

Each strip has 15 connected ties. Includes 4 tie strips. The tie strips are laser cut from 1/16" (1.5mm) Baltic Birch Plywood.



Tie Strips Code 83 ME/Peco Flex

Designed to match the tie size and spacing on Micro Engineering or Peco Code 83 Flex Track. The tie spacing on Micro Engineering and Peco Flex Track are almost identical, so there is one tie spacing desing used with both brands.

Each strip has 15 connected ties. Includes 4 tie strips. The tie strips are laser cut from 1/16" (1.5mm) Baltic Birch Plywood.



Tie Strips Code 83 Walthers Flex

Designed to match the tie size and spacing on Walthers Code 83 Flex Track. This is the New Walther track release in late 2020 early 2021.

Each strip has 15 connected ties. Includes 4 tie strips. The tie strips are laser cut from 1/16" (1.5mm) Baltic Birch Plywood.



Tie Strips Code 100 Atlas Flex

Designed to match the tie size and spacing on Atlas Code 100 Flex Track.

Each strip has 15 connected ties. Includes 4 tie strips. The tie strips are laser cut from 1/16" (1.5mm) Baltic Birch Plywood.



Ties Individual Code 83

120 Ties. The ties and tie strips are laser cut from 1/16" (1.5mm) Baltic Birch Plywood.



Ties Individual Code 100

120 Ties. The ties and tie strips are laser cut from 1/16" (1.5mm) Baltic Birch Plywood.


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Switch Machine Mounts

Part Number Title and Description Price Image

Switch Machine Mounts


Lily Pad, Switch Machine Mount

Mounting board for a Tortoise Slow-Motion Switch Machine.

Tortoise Slow-Motion Switch Machine is a Trade Mark of Circuiton (

$2.50 Lily Pad, Switch Machine Mount


Lily Pad, Switch Machine Mount, Drilling Guide

Drilling guide for the PD-21019 Lily Pad, to get perfect alignment of the switch machine to the switch. 

$3.00 Lily Pad, Switch Machine Mount, Drilling Guide Lily Pad, Switch Machine Mount, Drilling Guide, Side View

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Optical Detector Mounts

Part Number Title and Description Price Image

Optical Detector Mounts


Optical Detector Mount for OPB704W

Easy mounting of an OPB704W optical detector. Easy mounting in a 1" round hole. There are different mounts that leave the detector sticking different distances out the top of the mount. The detector should extend the thickness of the ties. There are two mounting options included. Flush mount to the top of the road bed with a round top piece, or with a 1.25" square of 1/8" thick birch plywood cut into the roadbed so that the top is flush with the top of the roadbed.

  • Flush, 0.00 inches
  • CVMW - Central Valley Model Works, 0.065"
  • ME - Micro Engineering, 0.084"
  • P & A - Peco and Atlas, 0.080"

Other distances available upon request.



Optical Detector Mount for Boulder Creek Engineering Night Scope

Easy mounting of an Boulder Creek Engineering Night Scope optical detector. Easy mounting in a 1" round hole. There are two mounting options included. Flush mount to the top of the road bed or with a 1.25" square of 1/8" thick birch plywood cut into the roadbed so that the top is flush with the top of the roadbed.



Optical Detector Mount for Iowa Scaled Engineering

Easy mounting of an Iowa Scaled Engineering optical detector. Easy mounting in a 1" round hole. There are two mounting options included. Flush mount to the top of the road bed or with a 1.25" square of 1/8" thick birch plywood cut into the roadbed so that the top is flush with the top of the roadbed.



Optical Detector Mount for Scale Signal Systems VCNL 4010

Easy mounting of an SSS VCNL 4010 optical detector. Easy mounting in a 1.25" round hole. There are two mounting options included. Flush mount to the top of the road bed or with a 1.25" square of 1/8" thick birch plywood cut into the roadbed so that the top is flush with the top of the roadbed.


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Throttle Holders

Part Number Title and Description Price Image

Throttle Holder


Throttle Holder Kit compatible with ISE Proto Throttle Kit

Throttle Holder Kit, compatible with the ISE ProtoThrottle. It was designed to fit your ProtoThrottle perfectly.

$15.00 Leg Pocket


Throttle Holder Engraving Kit

Have your ISE Proto Throttle Face Plate custom Engraved with your Logo and Railroad Name.

$20.00 Leg Pocket


Throttle Holder Kit compatible with ISE Proto Throttle (Pair) Kit

A pair of Throttle Holder Kits, compatible with the ISE ProtoThrottle. It was designed to fit your ProtoThrottle perfectly.

$28.00 Leg Pocket


Throttle Holder Engraving (Pair) Kit

$36.00 Leg Pocket


Zephyr Mounting Shelf Kit

If you have a Digitrax Zephyr DCS-51 and want to mount it on the fascia of your layout, this is the shelf for you.

$20.00 Leg Pocket
Leg Pocket


Throttle Holder Digitrax DT602D Kit

A throttle holder that is compatible with a Digitrax DT600 series throttle.

$15.00 Leg Pocket


Throttle Holder with Wings Digitrax DT602D KIT

A throttle holder that is compatible with a Digitrax DT600 series throttle with wing so it can be clamped onto the side of module or placed temporarily.

$18.00 Leg Pocket

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Throttle Jack Mounts

Part Number Title and Description Price Image

Throttle Jack Mounts


UP5 Faceplate, Baltic Birch Plywood, Blank

$2.50 UP5 Blank


UP5 Faceplate, Baltic Birch Plywood, Custom Engraved

$3.50 UP5 Free-mo


UP5 Faceplate, Acrylic



UP5 Faceplate, Acrylic, Custom Engraved



UP5 Router Template

Router Template to inset a UP5 Throttle Jack into the Fascia.

$10.00 UP5 Router Template


UP5 Stencil

Once you have routered a space in the fascia for the Faceplate you need to cut a hole for the throttle jack to stick into. This stencil helps to define where that hole is. Drawn lines for the 4 sides and mark the location to drill for the holes for the four corners.

$4.00 UP5 Stencil


UP5 Router Template & Stencil Set

A set the include both the UP5 Router Template and the UP5 Stencil, PD-21007 and PD-21008.

$12.00 UP5 Router Template Set


UP7 Faceplate, Baltic Birch Plywood, Blank

$2.50 UP7 Face Plate

Note: This one has no engraving.


UP7 Faceplate, Baltic Birch Plywood, Custom Engraved

$3.50 UP7 Face Plate

Custom Engraved


UP7 Faceplate, Acrylic, Blank



UP7 Faceplate, Acrylic, Custom Engraved



UP7 Router Template

Router Template to inset a UP7 Throttle Jack into the Fascia.



UP7 Stencil

Once you have routered a space in the fascia for the Faceplate you need to cut a hole for the throttle jack to stick into. This stencil helps to define where that hole is. Drawn lines for the 4 sides and mark the location to drill for the holes for the four corners.



UP7 Router Template & Stencil Set

A set the include both the UP7 Router Template and the UP5 Stencil, PD-21007 and PD-21008.



NCE / Tony's Router Template

Router Template to inset a NCE / Tony's Throttle Jack into the Fascia.

$10.00 NCE Router Template


NCE / Tony's Stencil

Once you have routered a space in the fascia for the Faceplate you need to cut a hole for the throttle jack to stick into. This stencil helps to define where that hole is. Drawn lines for the 4 sides and mark the location to drill for the holes for the four corners.

$4.00 NCE Stencil


NCE / Tony's Router Template & Stencil Set

A set the include both the NCE / Tony's Router Template and the NCE / Tony's Stencil, PD-21010 and PD-21011.

$12.00 NCE Router Template Set


NCE / Tony's Faceplate, Baltic Birch Plywood, Blank

$2.50 PD-21013 NCE Face Plate Blank


NCE / Tony's Faceplate, Baltic Birch Plywood, Custom Engraved


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Track Tools

Part Number Title and Description Price Image

Track Tools




Free-mo Fitter Rail Tool

The fitter rail gap measuring tool and fitter rail cutting guide. Used to help measure and cut in 1/16 inch increments.

I make the Fitter Rail Tool in with three different step sizes.

  • PD-21001 Free-mo Fitter Rail Tool 0.0625" (1/16") Steps
  • PD-21017 Free-mo Fitter Rail Tool 0.040" (~1.0mm) Steps
  • PD-21018 Free-mo Fitter Rail Tool 1.0mm (~ 0.040") Steps

$8.00 Fitter-Rail-Tool


Free-mo Fitter Rail Box Kit

This is a kit to make a box to hold fitter rails. There are 9 slots for the 9 sizes of fitter rails measured with a fitter rail too. Specify if you want the engraving for 0.0625", 0.040", or 1.0mm fitter rail size steps.  This is a kit and has to be assembled.



HO Double Track 2" Spacing Tool

This is a tools to help space your tracks exactly 2" on center. It is made from clear acrylic so that you can see the track as you are putting them down. There are two large holds to allow you to spike the inner rail. There is a line at the 1" set back point for Free-mo module ends.

Not using 2" spacing, other spacing availible on request.

$6.00 HO Double Track Spacing Tool


Track Height Tool

The Track Height Tool has two parts, a stick and a cart. The stick has graduations on it to help set the carts on multiple sticks to the same height off the track. The cart has a zero mark and graduation in 1/16 of an inch increments both positive and negative. Once the cart is zeroed you can directly read the laser and see if the module needs to move up or down and how far it needs to move.

$10.00 Track Height Tool


Track Laying Guides

Track Layout Guide for standard gauge track.


  • PD-21224 HO Track Guides Curve 24" R, 30 Degrees
  • PD-21226 HO Track Guides Curve 26" R, 30 Degrees
  • PD-21228 HO Track Guides Curve 28" R, 30 Degrees
  • PD-21230 HO Track Guides Curve 30" R, 30 Degrees
  • PD-21232 HO Track Guides Curve 32" R, 30 Degrees
  • PD-21234 HO Track Guides Curve 34" R, 30 Degrees
  • PD-21236 HO Track Guides Curve 36" R, 30 Degrees
  • PD-21238 HO Track Guides Curve 38" R, 30 Degrees
  • PD-21240 HO Track Guides Curve 40" R, 30 Degrees
  • PD-21242 HO Track Guides Curve 42" R, 30 Degrees
  • PD-21244 HO Track Guides Curve 44" R, 30 Degrees
  • PD-21246 HO Track Guides Curve 46" R, 22.5 Degrees
  • PD-21248 HO Track Guides Curve 48" R, 22.5 Degrees
  • PD-21250 HO Track Guides Curve 50" R, 22.5 Degrees


  • PD-21301 HO Track Guides Straight 8"
  • PD-21302 HO Track Guides Straight 10"
  • PD-21303 HO Track Guides Straight 14"
  • PD-21304 HO Track Guides Straight 22"
  • HO Track Guide Set Straight 8", 14", 22" Set $10


  • PD-21314 HO Track Guides Easement 8" for 24: curve
  • PD-21311 HO Track Guides Easement 8" for 30" curve
  • PD-21313 HO Track Guides Easement 8" for 38" curve
  • PD-21312 HO Track Guides Easement 8" for 44" curve
  • PD-21354 HO Track Guides Easement 12" for 24" curve
  • PD-21350 HO Track Guides Easement 12" for 30" curve
  • PD-21351 HO Track Guides Easement 12" for 36" curve
  • PD-21353 HO Track Guides Easement 12" for 38" curve
  • PD-21352 HO Track Guides Easement 12" for 44" curve
  • PD-21310 HO Track Guides Easement Custom $20
$5.00 Each


Mainline Track Layout Guide Set

Mainline Track Layout Guide Set is a set of Track Layout Guides to cover most needs in an HO standard gauge mainline layout. It includes three different length straights, 14 curves from 24" to 50", and 5 different easements.

  • PD-21301 Straight 8"
  • PD-21303 Straight 14"
  • PD-21304 Straight 22"
  • PD-21224 Curve 24" R, 30 Degrees
  • PD-21226 Curve 26" R, 30 Degrees
  • PD-21228 Curve 28" R, 30 Degrees
  • PD-21230 Curve 30" R, 30 Degrees
  • PD-21232 Curve 32" R, 30 Degrees
  • PD-21234 Curve 34" R, 30 Degrees
  • PD-21236 Curve 36" R, 30 Degrees
  • PD-21238 Curve 38" R, 30 Degrees
  • PD-21240 Curve 40" R, 30 Degrees
  • PD-21242 Curve 42" R, 30 Degrees
  • PD-21244 Curve 44" R, 30 Degrees
  • PD-21246 Curve 46" R, 22.5 Degrees
  • PD-21248 Curve 48" R, 22.5 Degrees
  • PD-21250 Curve 50" R, 22.5 Degrees
  • PD-21311 Easement 8" for 30" Curve
  • PD-21312 Easement 8" for 44" Curve
  • PD-21350 Easement 12" for 30" Curve
  • PD-21352 Easement 12" for 44" Curve

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Stacking Organizer Trays

Part Number Title and Description Price Image


Tray, Stacking Organizer 8.0 X 4.75 X 1.0 - 1 Space

This is a it for a Stacking Organizer Tray Kit that is 8.0 X 4.75 X 1.0 - it has 1 space in the tray.



Tray, Stacking Organizer 8.0 X 4.75 X 1.0 - 2 Long Spaces

This is a it for a Stacking Organizer Tray Kit that is 8.0 X 4.75 X 1.0 - it has 2 long spaces in the tray.



Tray, Stacking Organizer 8.0 X 4.75 X 1.0 - 2 Short Spaces

This is a it for a Stacking Organizer Tray Kit that is 8.0 X 4.75 X 1.0 - it has 2 short spaces in the tray.



Tray, Stacking Organizer 8.0 X 4.75 X 1.0 - 3 Spaces

This is a it for a Stacking Organizer Tray Kit that is 8.0 X 4.75 X 1.0 - it has 3 spaces in the tray.



Tray, Stacking Organizer 8.0 X 4.75 X 1.0 - 4 Spaces

This is a it for a Stacking Organizer Tray Kit that is 8.0 X 4.75 X 1.0 - it has 4 spaces in the tray.



Tray, Stacking Organizer 8.0 X 4.75 X 1.5 - 1 Space

This is a it for a Stacking Organizer Tray Kit that is 8.0 X 4.75 X 1.5 - it has 1 space in the tray.



Tray, Stacking Organizer 8.0 X 4.75 X 1.5 - 2 Long Spaces

This is a it for a Stacking Organizer Tray Kit that is 8.0 X 4.75 X 1.5 - it has 2 long spaces in the tray.



Tray, Stacking Organizer 8.0 X 4.75 X 1.5 - 2 Short Spaces

This is a it for a Stacking Organizer Tray Kit that is 8.0 X 4.75 X 1.5 - it has 2 short spaces in the tray.



Tray, Stacking Organizer 8.0 X 4.75 X 1.5 - 3 Spaces

This is a it for a Stacking Organizer Tray Kit that is 8.0 X 4.75 X 1.5 - it has 3 spaces in the tray.



Tray, Stacking Organizer 8.0 X 4.75 X 1.5 - 4 Spaces

This is a it for a Stacking Organizer Tray Kit that is 8.0 X 4.75 X 1.5 - it has 4 spaces in the tray.


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Train Car Box

Part Number Title and Description Price Image

Train Car Box


Car Box, Single, HO Scale

Box to hold one HO Scale Car. The inside of the box is 9" long by 2.5" tall by 2" wide.

This is not a shipping box. Care still needs to be taken to not damage the car inside the box.

$25.00 Free-mo Fitter Rail Tool


Car Box, Triple, HO Scale

Box to hold three HO Scale Cars. The inside of the box is 20" long by 2.5" tall by 2" wide.

This is not a shipping box. Care still needs to be taken to not damage the car inside the box.


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Weight Rulers

Part Number Title and Description Price Image

Weight Rulers


HO Scale Rolling Stock Weight Ruler

No more calculating to determine the correct weight for rolling stock, just sit the car down on the HO Scale Rolling Stock Weight Ruler and read what the correct weight should be.

$10.00 HO Rolling Stock Weight Ruler


HOn3 Scale Rolling Stock Weight Ruler

No more calculating to determine the correct weight for rolling stock, just sit the car down on the N Scale Rolling Stock Weight Ruler and read what the correct weight should be.

$7.50 HOn3 Rolling Stock Weight Ruler


N Scale Rolling Stock Weight Ruler

No more calculating to determine the correct weight for rolling stock, just sit the car down on the N Scale Rolling Stock Weight Ruler and read what the correct weight should be.

$7.50 N Rolling Stock Weight Ruler

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Other Stuff

Tray, Stacking Organizer

Part Number Title and Description Price Image


Tray, Stacking Organizer 8.0 X 4.75 X 1.0 - 1 Space

This is a it for a Stacking Organizer Tray Kit that is 8.0 X 4.75 X 1.0 - it has 1 space in the tray.



Tray, Stacking Organizer 8.0 X 4.75 X 1.0 - 2 Long Spaces

This is a it for a Stacking Organizer Tray Kit that is 8.0 X 4.75 X 1.0 - it has 2 long spaces in the tray.



Tray, Stacking Organizer 8.0 X 4.75 X 1.0 - 2 Short Spaces

This is a it for a Stacking Organizer Tray Kit that is 8.0 X 4.75 X 1.0 - it has 2 short spaces in the tray.



Tray, Stacking Organizer 8.0 X 4.75 X 1.0 - 3 Spaces

This is a it for a Stacking Organizer Tray Kit that is 8.0 X 4.75 X 1.0 - it has 3 spaces in the tray.



Tray, Stacking Organizer 8.0 X 4.75 X 1.0 - 4 Spaces

This is a it for a Stacking Organizer Tray Kit that is 8.0 X 4.75 X 1.0 - it has 4 spaces in the tray.



Tray, Stacking Organizer 8.0 X 4.75 X 1.5 - 1 Space

This is a it for a Stacking Organizer Tray Kit that is 8.0 X 4.75 X 1.5 - it has 1 space in the tray.



Tray, Stacking Organizer 8.0 X 4.75 X 1.5 - 2 Long Spaces

This is a it for a Stacking Organizer Tray Kit that is 8.0 X 4.75 X 1.5 - it has 2 long spaces in the tray.



Tray, Stacking Organizer 8.0 X 4.75 X 1.5 - 2 Short Spaces

This is a it for a Stacking Organizer Tray Kit that is 8.0 X 4.75 X 1.5 - it has 2 short spaces in the tray.



Tray, Stacking Organizer 8.0 X 4.75 X 1.5 - 3 Spaces

This is a it for a Stacking Organizer Tray Kit that is 8.0 X 4.75 X 1.5 - it has 3 spaces in the tray.



Tray, Stacking Organizer 8.0 X 4.75 X 1.5 - 4 Spaces

This is a it for a Stacking Organizer Tray Kit that is 8.0 X 4.75 X 1.5 - it has 4 spaces in the tray.


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To place an order send an email to . Include a list of what you want to order (Part Number and Description) and your shipping address. We will get back to you with an estimate of when we will have your order is ready to ship and shipping costs.

Some items are available in the Prawn Designs Etsy Store.

Please read the Laser Cutting and Engraving FAQ page for details on laser cutting and engraving side effects.

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