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Board Game Accessories - Prototype Model Trains - Custom Cutting and Engraving

Board Game Accessories

Accessory Game Boards

Board Gamer's Survival Kit

Bases, Bits, Tokens; Coins

Box Inserts

Card Trays

Custom Game Boxes

Dice, Custom

Dice Towers

Dwellings of Eldervale Player Tray Covers

Spin Counters

Eldritch Horror Monster Tray

Flash Point Fire Rescue

RPG Trees

Survive Escape from Atlantis! Custom Expansion Kit

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Hex Board Style 1 Options

The Hex Board Style 1 is a modular system to hold hex tiles that measure 3 1/8 inches across the flats. The base of the board is four corners (two right and two left). These four pieces form a hex that is 4 units along each side for a total of 37 hexes. There are then expansion pieces that grow the board in different ways to form larger boards.

Below is a table showing many of the different ways the board pieces can be assembled together. The left column shows the board pieces and the resulting hex layout. The coloum on the right shows some common uses for that layout. In the right column hexes in:

You can click on any image to see a larger version of it in a new windows.

Board Pieces and Hex Layout Compatible with

Base Board (PD-11001)

The basic board. Four pieces, two left and two right.

37 Hexes

PD-11001 Hex Board Style 1

PD-11001 Hex Board Style 1 Hex Layout

Hex Board Style 1Settlers 3E 3-4 player.

Seafarers 4E 3-4 player scenarios 1 (3 player), 2 and 4 (3 player).

Hex Board Style 1With Settlers 4E 3-4 player, there is an extra ring of hexes around the board. This is where the Port Hexes I make come in handy. Use the port hexes and blank hexes to fill in the extra spaces.


Hex Board Style 1With Settlers 4E 5-6 player, there is an extra column not used. 7 blank hexes can be used to fill the space.

Base Board + A1 (PD-12001)

Two left and two right plus two A Expander boards.

52 Hexes

Style 1

Hex Board Style 1

Hex Board Style 1Settlers 3E 5-6 player.

Hex Board Style 1With Settlers 4E 5-6 player. there is an extra ring of hexes around the board. This is where the Port Hexes I make come in handy. Use the port hexes and blank hexes to fill in the extra spaces.

Base Board + B1

Two left and two right plus two B1 Expander boards.

44 Hexes

Style 1

Hex Board Style 1

Style 1This is the layout for Seafarers 3E 3-4 player Scenarios 2 and 4.

Hex Board Style 1There are some extra hex spaces on each end.

Hex Board Style 1Seafarers 4E 3-4 player scenarios 1 (4 player) 3, 4 (4 player), 6 and 9.

Base Board + B2

Two left and two right plus two B2 Expander boards.

NOTE: A pair of B1 expanders next to each other can be replaced with a B2.

51 Hexes

Style 1

Two left and two right plus four B1 Expander boards.

Style 1

Two left and two right plus two B1 and one B2 Expander boards.

Style 1

Hex Board Style 1

Style 1This is the layout for Seafarers 3E 3-4 player Scenarios 3, 6, 8 and 10.

Hex Board Style 1There are some extra hex spaces on each end.

Hex Board Style 1Seafarers 4E 3-4 player scenarios 5. 7 and 8.

Base Board + B3

Two left and two right plus two B1 and two B2 Expander boards.

58 Hexes

Style 1

Hex Board Style 1

Style 1This is the layout for Seafarers 3E 3-4 player Scenarios 1, 5, 7 and 9.

Hex Board Style 1There are some extra hex spaces on each end.

Style 1This is the layout for Seafarers 4E 5-6 player Scenarios 1, 2 and 6.

Base Board + B4

Two left and two right plus four B1 and two B2 Expander boards.

NOTE: A pair of B1 expanders next to each other can be replaced with a B2.

65 Hexes

Style 1

Style 1

Hex Board Style 1

Style 1This is the layout for Seafarers 3E 5-6 Scenarios 1, 3 and 8.

Hex Board Style 1There are some extra hex spaces on each end.

Style 1This is the layout for Seafarers 3E 3-4 Scenario 11, 5-6 Scenarios 2, 4, 5, 6 and 9.

Hex Board Style 1There are some extra hex spaces on each end, and it is short two hexes on one end.

There is another layout below that fits all the hexes. Base Board + A1 + B4 + C4 (PD-12002)

Style 1This is the layout for Seafarers 3E 5-6 Scenario 10.

Hex Board Style 1There are some extra hex spaces on each end, and it is short four hexes, two on each end.

There is another layout below that fits all the hexes. Base Board + A1 + B4 + C4 (PD-12002)

Style 1This is the layout for Seafarers 4E 5-6 player Scenarios 3, 4, 5, 7 and 8.

Base Board + A1 + B1 + C1

Two left and two right plus two A, two B1 and one C1 Expander boards.

61 Hexes

Style 1

Hex Board Style 1

Base Board + A1 + B2 + C2

Two left and two right plus two A, two B2 and one C2 Expander boards.

NOTE: A pair of B1 expanders next to each other can be replaced with a B2.

70 Hexes

Style 1

Hex Board Style 1

Base Board + A1 + B3 + C3

Two left and two right plus two A, two B1, two B2, one C1 and one C2 Expander boards.

79 Hexes

Style 1

Hex Board Style 1

Base Board + A1 + B4 + C4

Two left and two right plus two A, four B1, two B2, two C1 and one C2 Expander boards.

NOTE: A pair of B1 expanders next to each other can be replaced with a B2.

88 Hexes

Style 1

Hex Board Style 1

Style 1This is the layout for Seafarers 3E 3-4 Scenario 11, 5-6 Scenarios 2, 4, 5, 6 and 9.

Hex Board Style 1Here is an alternate setup that fits all the hexes. There are some extra hex spaces on each end.

Style 1This is the layout for Seafarers 3E 5-6 Scenario 10.

Hex Board Style 1There are some extra hex spaces on each end, and it is short two hexes on one end.

Add another pair of B1 and a C1 expander and it will fit all the hexes. See Base Board + A1 + B5 + C5

Hex Board Style 1This is the layout for Seafarers 4E 5-6 player Scenarios 1, 2 and 6. There is an extra ring around the outside for water and ports.

Base Board + A1 + B5 + C5

Two left and two right plus two A, two B1, four B2, one C1 and two C2 Expander boards.

97 Hexes

Style 1

Two left and two right plus two A, four B1, three B2, three C1 and one C2 Expander boards.

Style 1

Hex Board Style 1

Style 1This is the layout for Seafarers 4E 5-6 player Scenarios 3, 4, 5, 7 and 8. There is an extra ring around the outside for water and ports.

Base Board + A2

Two left and two right plus four A Expander boards.

67 Hexes

Style 1

Hex Board Style 1

Base Board + A2 + B1 + C1(X2)

Two left and two right plus four A, two B1 and two C1 Expander boards.

78 Hexes

Style 1

Hex Board Style 1

Base Board + A2 + B2 + C2(X2)

Two left and two right plus four A, two B2 and two C2 Expander boards.

89 Hexes

Style 1

Hex Board Style 1

Base Board + A2 + B3 + C3(X2)

Two left and two right plus four A, two B1, two B2, two C1 and two C2 Expander boards

100 Hexes

Style 1

Hex Board Style 1

Base Board + A2 + B4 + C4(X2)

Two left and two right plus four A, four B1, two B2, four C1 and two C2 Expander boards.

111 Hexes

Style 1

Hex Board Style 1

Base Board + A3 + B4 + C4(X3)

Two left and two right plus six A, four B1, two B2, six C1 and three C2 Expander boards.

134 Hexes

Style 1

Hex Board Style 1

Base Board + A? + B? + C?(X?)

This system is very modular, what size and shape board do you want to build? Our boards can grow to meet your needs.

Hex Board Style 1

Hex Board Style 1

Disclaimer: This is an accessory for the game, not a replacement. You will need to have a copy of the game to play. This project is in no way affiliated or endorsed by the publishers or trademark holders of the game.